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Energy Crisis UPSC | World Energy crisis

Energy does not mean only oil or petrol but all conventional and non-conventional energy. 
Conventional Source of energy:
  • Thermal Power Plant
  • Hydro Power Plant
  • Bio-mass
  • Bio-gas
  • Charcoal
  • Wind energy

Non-Conventional Source of energy:
  • Solar energy
  • Tidal energy
  • Wave Energy
  • Ocean Thermal Energy
  • Geo-Thermal Energy
  • Nuclear Energy

An energy crisis does not mean the scarcity of energy, the meaning of an energy crisis is the problems of production and distribution for any reason.
Energy Crisis = Demand of energy >> Supply of energy 

What causes an energy crisis?

  • Demand-side:
    • Over-consumption due to energy inefficiencies, India's consumption of energy, is three times more than in developed countries for the same quantity of production.
    • Overpopulation, the rise of middle and high-class people increases the energy demand
    • Due to climate change, more energy is needed for cooling and warming of home.
  • Supply-side
    • Political crisis in OPEC countries
    • US sanctions on Iran, Russia, and Venezuela (recent )
    • The cartel of OPEC countries
    • Overexploitation of resources leads to a loss of resources.

There is three energy crises since the industrial revolution.

energy crisis
energy crisis
  • The energy crisis of 1973: The main cause of the 1973 energy crisis was OPEC. In 1960, OPEC was formed to control the pricing. In 1973, the petrol price was raised from 1.5 $ per barrel to 7 $ per barrel, 5 times. In 1980, the price further rose to 25 $ per barrel.
  • The energy crisis of 1990: Second energy crisis, 1n 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, due to this oil crisis happened.
  • The energy crisis of 2005-08, the third energy crisis, in 2005 petrol price 78 $ per barrel, and in 2008, it was 148 $ per barrel. It is caused by two reasons:
    • Supply cut by OPEC countries
    • Demand increases in developing countries such as the rise of China & India.

How can we solve the energy crisis?

  • Uses of an energy-efficient tool such as 5-star electronic items
  • Regular servicing of machinery
  • People's awareness of energy importance
  • The exploitation nature of OPEC must be stopped.
  • Finding an alternative to petrol
  • Must invest in renewable energy infrastructure, for example, FAME India program
  • Stability should be insured in oil-rich countries.

The previous year's question was asked in the UPSC main geography optional paper.

  • Role of Venezuela in the production and export of oil. (2013, 12 marks)
  • “World is passing through a global resource dilemma.” Comment. (2014, 15 marks)

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24 September 2022 at 09:22 ×

India can accelerate its green Hydrogen project, ethanol blending, rooftop solar, RnD in solar area etc.

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...