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Famine causes effects and remedies UPSC

What is famine? 

Famine means an extreme scarcity of food which results in mass mortalities within a short duration time. As per the UN, there are three criteria of famine declaration:

Criteria for Famine declaration by UN
Criteria for Famine declaration by UN
At present, in northern Africa, some disturbing countries like Yemen, Sudan, and Libya are facing famine-like problems.

Cause of famine: 

  • Un availability of food due to :
    • Drought :
      • Uncertain Monsoon
      • EL-NINO effect
    • Too much rainfall
      • Monsoon burst
      • Cyclone
    • Low productivity
      • Climate change
      • Excess use of fertilization leads to infertility soils
    • Pest attack on the crops
  • Inaccessibility of food due to:
    • Political instability
    • Political unwilling
    • Geographical blockage
    • delay in importing of food grains
    • Inefficiency in distribution 
    • Internal conflict
  • Un affordability of food due to
    • High food price
    • low income
    • high unemployability
    • no work to do

Consequences of famine:

  • The very high death rate of women and children.
  • Death of animals & plants 
  • Spread of disease; due to weak immune system
  • Social tension; due to food and water shortage
  • Disbalance of sex ratio 
  • No human development
  • Low fertility rate

Solutions to famine: 

Famine can be occurred by naturally or man-made but the most important thing is that humans can manage it. Famine is a local geographical problem, it is not a global problem and can be avoided if properly managed. For example, the Bengal famine in 1943 in India that led to 3 million death can be avoided by
  • Timely food grains import from worldwide
  • Timely supply of food grains from other parts of the country
  • Proper irrigation facilities 
  • If buffer stock was sufficiently buildup
  • by the preference of food crop production over cash crops.
  • By giving employability to the landless and poor population 

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6 November 2020 at 07:50 ×

really worthful..pls continue

Congrats bro Arjun_kaarikunnath you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...