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Global ecological imbalances | Regional global ecological imbalances | Global and regional ecological changes and imbalances UPSC | Environmental Geography | Physical geography

As we know, Homeostasis is one of the principles of ecology in which the ecosystem adjusts itself through regulating service( climate regulating, water purification, soil purification, waste assimilation, ) if any adverse conditions happen either to components or relations between the components. 
For example, 
  • If the population of herbivores is increasing rapidly then there will be a decrease in the populations of plants; As a result, herbivores' population will decrease also due to scarcity of food. In this way, the ecosystem adjusts itself.
  • The ecosystem does have some assimilating capacity for waste.

Before the industrial revolution, the earth had the following characteristics:
  • Earth was almost covered by forest, and more than 80 % of India was covered under forest. 
  • Green villages and green urban areas. 
  • No non-degradation wastes were generated. 
  • The water of the river, pond, the lake was as pure to drink. No purification of water was needed. 
  • Air was unpolluted 
  • Global warming and climate change name were unknown to people. 
  • Peoples were close to nature. 
Ecological imbalance started after the industrial revolution due to human mindless exploitation of resources, population explosion, and high consumption resulting in the disturbance in homeostasis principles of ecology that leads to the ecological imbalance at the global and regional levels.

The following are the human-induced global and regional ecological changes. 

Over-Population and imbalance in ecological Pyramid:
  • The rapid increase in human population and reduction of forests leads to widening the top and narrowing the base of the biological pyramid of the ecosystem.
Climate change: 
  • The industrialization and burning of non-renewable sources of energy led to emissions of greenhouse gases such as Co2, HFC, O3, etc. 
  • The increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere led to global warming and global warming led to climate change. 
The following are the  effects of climate change:
  • Melting of glaciers and ice caps,
  • Intense flood and drought
  • Unseasonably weather phenomena, etc. 
Global warming: 
  • Due to global warming earth's temperature increases. 
  • The greenhouse gases cause the earth's heat to be trapped by the atmosphere.
  • The rise in atmospheric temperature led to a rise in ocean temperature and it led to the extinction of coral colonies.
  • Many species were not able to sustain themselves due to temperature rise which led to the mass extinction of species. 
  • Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution., All are at an alarming level today. 
Waste problems: 
  • Solid waste, plastic waste, chemical waste, e-waste, nuclear waste, urban waste, and domestic waste, all are creating problems for the ecology.
  • Improper waste management is a major problem at both the local and global levels. 
Ozone depletion: 
  • This problem is not at an alarming level as it was in the 1990s. 
  • The main reason for ozone depletion is CFCs, now we have replaced the emissions of CFCs with HFCs. 

Nuclear disaster possibility: 
  • Nuclear hazards such as nuclear leakage in nuclear power plants and nuclear war can cause immense and unrecoverable damage to the environment. 
Acid rain:
  • Acid rain is caused due to the release of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere by the combustion of coal, fossil fuels, and nitrogen oxides. 
  • Acid rain cause harm to both plants and animals.
  • Acid rain chokes the pores of plants' leaves which leads to the death of plants.

Land degradation and desertification :
  • Due to land pollution, improper soil use, and improper waste disposal; lads are degrading day by day causing ecological and food scarcity problems at both global and regional levels.
Oil spill: 
  • Many incidents of the oil spill in the past had done many environmental losses in the oceans. Oil spills damage marine life, birds, and indirectly humans.

Resources depletion :
  • Groundwater depletion, 
  • Depletion of forests, minerals, other biotics, and biotic resources is a major global and regional problem.
Try to solve the following Questions:
  • Discuss the factors responsible for global ecological imbalances. ( 60-62nd BPSC geography)

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3 March 2022 at 14:05 ×

very helpful and to the point content...thank u so much

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...