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UPPCS UPPSC exam Prelims Question paper-2018 Prelims - Geography -Environment

1. As a result of global warming the frequency and severity of which of the following" are increasing due to global warming?
(a) Cyclones only
(b) Storms only
(c) Hurricanes only
(d) All of the above

Answer. d
2.  Which of the following is NOT an example of in-situ conservation strategy?
(a) Biosphere reserve
(b) Botanical garden
(c) National Park
(d) Sacred groves

Answer. b
3. Ultra-violet radiation from sunlight causes the reaction that produces which of the following?
(a) CO
(c) O3
(d) Fluorides

Answer. C
4. Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?
(a) Bandipur National Park-Karnataka
(b) Manas Wildlife Sanctuary-Assam
(c) Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary-Kerala
(d) Simlipal National Park-Madhya Pradesh

Answer. d
5. Methane is emitted from which of the following?
(a) Paddy fields only
(b) Termitary only
(c) Both from (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Answer. c
6. Which of the following states of India has the longest coastline?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Kerala
(d) Gujarat

Answer. d
7. Which of the following rivers of Uttar Pradesh has been declared a 'Biological Disaster' due to environmental pollution?
(a) Yamuna
(c) Sai
(b) Gomati
(d) Tamsa

Answer. a
8. In which of the following hills the world-famous temple of Lord Venkateshwar (Tirupati) is located?
    (a) Shevaroy     
    (b) Biligiriranga
    (c) Javadhee     
    (d) Mallmalla

Answer. d
9. Rajasthan desert or Thar desert is the expanse of which of the following?
(a) Pliocene
(b) Paleocene
(c) Pleistocene and recent deposits
(d) Oligocene

Answer. c) Pleistocene and recent deposits
10. Which of the following rivers of India does NOT originate from the Western Ghats?
(a) Godavari
(b) Tapti/Tapi
(c) Kaveri
(d) Kabam

Answer. b
11. Which of the following countries has the maximum production of milk per cow?
(a) Netherlands    
(b) Great Britain
(c) Denmark       
(d) India

Answer: c

12. Match List -I and List-II and select the correct answer using the codes are given below the list:
List -I            List -II
States          Highest Peak
A. Kerala        1.Dodda Betta
B. Nagaland     2.Nand Devi
C. Uttarakhand   3.Anai Mudi
D.Tamil Nadu    4.Saramati
      A    B    C    D  
(a)  1     3      4     2
(b)  2     3      4     1
(c)  3     4       2     1
(d)  1     2       3      4
Answer. c
13. Which of the following countries is the leading producer of Iodine in the world?
    (a) Japan    
    (b) the U.S.A.
    (c) Chile     
    (d) China

Answer. c
14. Consider the following events.
1. First reptiles
2. First insects
3. Shelled animals
4. First mammals.
Arrange the above events in chronological order of their origin on the earth and select the correct answer
from the codes given below:
    (a) 2     1     3     4
    (b) 2     3     1     4
    (c) 3     2     1     4
    (d) 2     4     1     3

Answer. c

15. 'Saving energy and other resources for the future without sacrificing people's comfort in the present' is the definition of which of the following concepts?
(a) Economic growth
(b) Economic development
(c) Sustainable development
(d) Human development

Answer. c
16. World Population Day is observed on
    (a) 11 July    
     (b) 8 May
    (c) 5 June     
   (d) 16 October

Answer. a
17. Which among the following is the secondary pollutant?
(a) Smog
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Carbon mono-oxide
(d) Fly ash

Answer. a
18. In which of the following ecosystems the species diversity is relatively higher?
(a) Deep-sea
(b) Tropical rainforest
(c) Coral reefs
(d) Desert

Answer. c
19. Which of the following is NOT obtained from insects?
    (a) Silk      
     (b) Honey
    (c) Lac      
   (d) Pearl

Answer. d
20. Which is the most stable ecosystem?
(a) Marine (ocean)
(b) Forest
(c) Mountain
(d) Desert

Answer. a
21. Incinerators are used for which of the following?
(a) Burning wastes
(b) Putting waste into them
(c) For cutting green trees
(d) For making fertilizers

Answer. a
22. What is the 'Green House Effect'?
(a) Increase in global temperature
(b) The decrease in global temperature
(c) Increase in seawater temperature
(d) Increase in temperature of rivers and lakes

Answer. a
 23. Which of the following is the main component of natural gas?
(a) Ethane
(b) Butane
(c) Carbon mono-oxide
(d) Methane

Answer. d
24. Which pain killer given to cattle is responsible for the near extinction of vultures in India?
(a) Ibuprofen
(b) Acetaminophen
(c) Asprin
(d) Diclofenac

Answer. d
25. Which of the following countries was the largest emitter of CO2 in 2015?
 (a) China     
 (b) The U.S.A.
 (c) India     
 (d) France

Answer. a
26. Which of the following statements are true?
1. Natural disasters cause maximum damage in developing countries.
2. Bhopal gas tragedy was man-made.
3. India is a disaster-free country.
4. Mangroves reduce the impact of cyclones.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
 (a) 1,2 and 3     
 (b) 2,3 and 4
 (c) 1,2 and 4    
 (d) 1,3 and 4

Answer. c
27. Which of the following planets may be suitable for the existence of life?
    (a) Mars     
   (b) Mercury
    (c) Venus    
   (d) Jupiter

Answer. a
28. Which of the following energy sources produces NO atmospheric pollution?
(a) Nuclear energy
(b) Solar energy
(c) Petroleum energy
(d) Coal energy

Answer. b
 29. Which of the following is the highest waterfall in India?
(a) Jog fall
(b) Kunchikal fall
(c) Rakim Kund fall
(d) Kevti fall

Answer. b
30.  'Vegetation is the true index of climate'. This statement is associated with
    (a) Thornthwaite   
    (b)     Koppen
    (c) Trewartha      
    (d)     Stamp

Answer. a
 31. In which of the following countries are the Pampas grasslands situated?
   (a) Argentina    
   (c) Chile          
   (d) Ecuador

Answer. a
32. Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?         
        Desert                Country
    (a)     Sonoran       -  USA
    (b)     Taklamakan  -  China
    (c)     Karakum     -   Turkmenistan
    (d)     Gibson     -      Brazil

Answer. d
33. Arrange the following coffee-producing countries in descending order of their coffee production (2016, quantity) and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
    A.     Colombia    
    B.     Vietnam
    C.     Brazil    
    D.     Indonesia
    (a)     D,C,B,A           
    (b)     C,B,A,D           
    (c)     B,D,C,A           
    (d)     C,A,B,D

Answer. b
34. How much the maritime distance between India and Europe was reduced after the construction of the Suez Canal?
   (a) 5,000 km     
   (b) ) 7,000 km
   (c) 8,000 km     
  (d) 10,000 km

Answer. c
35.  Arrange the following Indian Meteorological Headquarters in Chronological order of their establishment and select your correct answer from the codes are given below:
A. New Delhi
C. Shimla
B. Kolkata
D. Pune
(a) C D A B
(b) B A D C
(c) D B C A
(d) B C D A

Answer. d
36. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(a) Black soil is locally called 'regur'
(b) According to Krabs, the regur soil is essentially a mature soil
(c) Black soils are highly retentive to moisture
(d) Black soil is found in the Himalayan region

Answer. d
37. MacMohan line forms the boundary between
(a) India and China
(b) India and Pakistan
(c) India and Myanmar
(d) India and Nepal

Answer. a
 38. At the mouth of which of the following rivers the 'bird's foot' type delta is formed?
(a) Huang Ho
(c) Danube
(b) Nile
(d) Mississippi

Answer. d
39. The natural growth of the population is the outcome of which of the following?
A. Crude Birth Rate
B. Crude Death Rate
C. Migration
D. Marriages
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
    (a) Only A     
   (b) Only C
    (c) Band D     
   (d) A and B

Answer. d
40. According to the India State of Forest Report, 2017, what percentage of the total geographical area of the country is under forest?
    (a) 20.34     
    (b) 22.34
    (c) 21.54    
    (d) 23.54

Answer. c
41. When was 'Project Tiger' launched in India?
    (a) 1968     
   (b) 1972
    (c) 1984     
    (d) 1993

42. Which of the following is an example of an anthropogenic biome?
(a) Freshwater   
(b) Grassland
(c) Rain forest      
(d) Cropland

43. Which of the following animals can live for the longest duration without drinking water?
   (a) Giraffe       
   (b) Camel
    (c) Kangaroo   
   (d) Kangaroo rat

Answer. d
44. India's first National Centre for Marine Biodiversity (NCMB) is located in which city?
    (a) Bhavnagar   
   (b) Jamnagar
    (c) Mumbai       
   (d) Puducherry

45. Dachigam National Park is associated with which of the following?
(a) Musk Deer
(b) Golden Oriole
(c) Yellow-throated Marten
(d) Hangul or Kashmir Stag

Answer. d
46. When the World Biodiversity Day is observed?
    (a) March,22     
    (b) May, 22
    (c) June, 23    
   (d) April, 16

47. Which of the following is concerned with soil?
   (a) Edaphic     
  (b) Climatic
   (c) Biotic     
  (d) Topography


48. The maximum concentration of ozone is found in which of the following?
(a) Troposphere  
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Stratosphere  
(d) Exosphere

Answer. c
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