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Diversity in Living Organisms

What is diversity in living organisms?

Each organism is different from organism to a lesser or greater extends and diversity found in:

  • Characters
  • Size
  • Age or lifetime
  • Colors

For examples:

  • Whale size is approx. 30 meter in size
  • Redwood trees of California are in 100 meters in length.
  • The life of some Pine tree is around 1000 years.

What is evolution?

Most of the life form that we are seeing today, is the result of the accumulation of changes in body design over time to allow the organism to survive better.

What is Primitive or Lower Organism?

Those organisms which does not change much are called a primitive organism. For example, Lice

What are the Advanced organisms or Higher organisms?

The organisms which have changed a lot to survive are called an advanced or higher organism.
For example, humans.

The organism has classified in how many kingdoms?

Whittaker proposed five kingdoms of organisms on the basis of cell, structure, mode, and sources of nutrition and body organization. The following are the five Kingdoms:

  • Monera
  • Protista
  • Fungi
  • Plantae
  • Animalia

These organisms do not have a defined nucleus or organelles nor any multicellular body design. Diversity shows in the cell wall. Monera can be:

This group includes unicellular Eakaratic organism
For example, Algae, Diatoms, and Protozoa

These are heterotrophic organisms. Some use decaying organism materials like food, hence, therefore, is called Saprotrophs. For example, Mushroom.

These are multicellular Eukaryotes with the cell walls. This group is autotrophic and they use Chlorophyll to make food during photosynthesis.

The organism of this group is multicellular without cell walls. They are heterotrophs.
For example, all animals and humans.

What are the subgroups of kingdoms?
The following are the subgroup of kingdoms.
Subgroups of kingdoms
Subgroups of kingdoms
Species are the basic unit of classification of an organism.

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