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World Agriculture

World Agriculture land status:

Agriculture land of the earth: 11 % of total earth land areas 
In a larger country:
Status of the agriculture areas is the following:

  • India:
    • Areas: 1.9 million square km
    • Percentage of total areas of the country: 57 %
  • USA:
    • Areas: 1.68 million square km
    • Percentage of total areas of the country: 17 %
  • China:
    • Areas: 1.23 million square km
    • Percentage of total areas of the country: 13 %

By usage wise, four types

  • Food Crop ( Paddy, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, oilseed, etc) 
  • Cash crop ( sugarcane, cotton, tobacco, jute, etc)
  • Plantation crop ( Tea, coffee, Rubber, etc)
  • Horticulture ( vegetable and fruits) 
Agriculture productivity is referred to as the ratio between agriculture output to agriculture input.

Intensive farming:
Intensive farming is farming where the large level of input( i.e money, fertilizer, and labor) and output ( high yield) are obtained in per unit areas of agriculture land. At least 2 or more cropping is done in years of the particular agricultural land.
For example Ganga plains'

Extensive farming:
It is the farm practice where large areas of land are used for farming with lower yields. Low level of input as compare to intensive farming are applied. For example, the Prairies grassland region of Northern America is used for extensive farming.

What is organic farming?
Organic farming is a farming system with minimum and no use of chemical fertilizers, chemical herbicides, and chemical pesticides. 
In the organic system:

  • Organic manures such as compost, vermicompost, and green manure.
  • Biofertilizer made up of blue-green algae are used
  • Neem leaves and turmeric also used as bio-pesticides
  • Use of healthy cropping systems such as mixed cropping, intercropping, and crop rotation. It benefits in insect, pest, and weed control.

What is Mixed cropping?

Growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land.
For examples:

  • Wheat + Gram
  • Wheat + Mustard
  • Groundnut + Sunflower

Mixed crops give some insurance against the failure of one crop.

What is inter-cropping?

Growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same field in a definite pattern. A few rows of one crop alternative with a few rows of second crops.
For example:

  • Soybean + Maize

Crops are selected such as their nutrients requirements are different. This will ensure the maximum utilization of nutrients supplied by soils.
It also prevents pests and diseases from spreading to all plants belonging to the same crop. This will help the benefits of both crops.

What is crop rotation?

The growth of different crops on a piece of land in pre-planned succession is known as crop rotation. The availability of moisture and irrigation facilities decides the choice of crops to cultivated after one harvest. If crop rotation is done properly, two or more crops can be grown in the year with a good harvest.

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