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Compare Davis and Penck Views of Geographical Cycle of Erosion.

1. Compare Davis and Penck's Views of the Geographical Cycle of Erosion. ( UPPSC - UPPCS, 2018, 15 Marks)

2. Explain the cycle of erosion given by W. M. Davis. Compare it with the views of Penk. (UPPSC 2016)

3. What is the cycle of erosion? Explain the views of Davis and Penck on the cycle of erosion. ( UPPSC 1993)
4. Present a comparative analysis of the views of Davis and Penck regarding the concept of ‘the cycle of erosion. ( 65th BPSC geography)
5. Compare and critically examine the views of Davis and Penck regarding the concept of the cycle of erosion. ( 60-62nd BPSC geography)


  • Davis Trivos: Structure, process, Time.
  • Youth, Mature, Old stage
  • Penck Five Stages: 
  • Primarumpf, Aufsteigende, Gleichforminge, Absteigende, and Endrumpf.
  • Peneplain, Pedeplain
  • Polycycle, rejuvenation, monocycle.

Davis was an American Geographer and he was the first to give Cycle of Erosion in 1899. Walter Penck was a German Geographer; he studied the Davis erosional cycle model and gave his own erosional cycle in 1924. He agreed the most of Davis's thoughts but disagreed on the process and stages components ( i.e trio of Davis are the structure, process, and stages) of Davis's erosional model.  Penck rejected that stage is not always sequential and there may be interrupted by rejuvenation.
The following are the difference between Davis and Penck Cycle:

  • In the Davis cycle, landforms are the result of Davis trios which are the structure, process,  and Time. Whereas Penck's landforms are the result of the ratio between the intensity of endogenic and exogenic forces.
  • Davis Erosion cycle starts only after the upliftment of landform stoped whereas upliftment and erosional act simultaneously in the Penck cycle.
  • There are three stages in the Davis Cycle of erosion namely youth, mature, and old stage whereas there are five stages in the Penck Cycle of erosion namely Primarumpf, Aufsteigende, Gleichforminge, Absteigende, and Endrumpf.
  • The end product of the Davis Cycle is Peneplain whereas the end product of the Penck cycle is Pedeplain.
  • Davis Geographical Cycle of Erosion is a monocycle which means a cycle complete after the old stage of landforms whereas the Penck erosion cycle is polycyclic which means a never-ending process, the cycle starts again with the rejuvenation of landforms.
  • Davis's cycle of landform development is time-dependent whereas the Penck cycle of erosion is not time-dependent.
  • As per Davis, landform development is in form of "slope decline"; for example "V" shaped valley gets converted to a "U" shaped valley and then a featureless peneplain whereas, in the Penck cycle of erosion,  landform development is in form of "slope replacement"  where a free face slope and convex slope get replaced to rectilinear slopes, rectilinear slopes get replaced with concave slope.
The following Erosional Cycle diagram gives more details.
Davis Cycle
Davis Cycle

Penck Cycle
Penck Cycle

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19 January 2022 at 22:39 ×


Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...