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Denudation chronology geography UPSC | Geomorphology | Physical Geography

Table of Contents:
  • What is Denudation Chronology
  • Purpose of Denudation Chronology
  • Factors that affect Denudation Chronology
  • Climate Change
  • Tectonic Force
  • Methods to Study Denudation Chronology

Denudation Chronology
Denudation chronology refers to the study of the geological succession of rocks that includes various phases of degradation, creation, denudation, and recreation over a geological time scale.
The following are studied in Denudation chronology:

  • Globally, Study of rock history from Cambrian to Holocene period.
    • The Cambrian period was the first geological period where most of the landforms were created.
    • The Holocene period is the current epoch.
  • In India, the Study of rock history from the Archaean period to the Pleistocene period.
    • First geological time, the Archaean period in which Aravali mountains was created
    • Pleistocene period in which the Narmada and Tapi Valley are created.

Purpose of Denudation chronology:

  • Identify the landforms
  • To know the history of rocks' evolution.
  • To know the history of climate changes
  • To know the history of flora and fauna

Factors that affect the denudation chronology
Mainly two factors affect the Denudation Chronology:
  • Climate changes:
  • Tectonics force

Climate change: 
It may be global warming or global cooling, both will affect the process of denudation chronology.
For example,

  • If global Cooling happened then the denudation agent will change from running water in the humid region to the glacial agent.
  • In the same way, if global warming happened then the denudation agent will also change from running water in the humid region to a winds denudation agent.
  • In both cases, denudation chronology will affect.

Tectonic forces:
  • Tectonic force leads to the movement of continents from one climatic region to other climatic regions, hence it will affect the denudation chronology by changing the denudation agent.

Methods to study denudation chronology:
  • Study of different erosional surface
  • Analyzing the slope and rock structure
  • Analyzing the sedimentary deposition inland as well as lakes and ocean.
  • Rejuvenation of landforms.
For Explanation, please watch the below videos:

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