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“In essence, emotional intelligence is not a theoretical concept but a multidimensional Social Skills.” Explain the concept and dimensions of emotional intelligence in the context of the statement. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2018


“In essence, emotional intelligence is not a theoretical concept but a multidimensional Social Skill.” Explain the concept and dimensions of emotional intelligence in the context of the statement.

 ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize, understand, evaluate, and monitor own emotions and other people's emotions.
Emotional intelligence refers to a person’s ability to perceive, understand, and manage their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is not a theoretical concept but a multidimensional social skill that can be developed and applied in real-world situations.
The people of emotional intelligence are highly persuasive and it helps in effective decision-making.

There are several dimensions of emotional intelligence, the following are some dimensions of emotional intelligence-
  • Self-awareness
  • Self Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Management.
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

Self-awareness; This dimension involves recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals. Self-awareness of individuals helps them to find out weaknesses and strengths. Self Awareness means knowing your own emotions, own thoughts, own behaviors, Strength, and weaknesses.

Self-management: Self-management of emotional intelligence help in managing one’s own emotions and reactions, even in stressful situations. It helps the individual to adapt to the changing environment. 

Social Awareness: Emotional intelligence help to needs and concerns of other people and is also able to manage other relations empathetically. 

Relationship Management: emotional intelligence able to Manage good relationships, inspire, influence others, work well in a team, build bonds,  and manage conflict.

Motivation; Motivation dimension of emotional intelligence involves a sense of purpose and drive to achieve goals. Motivated individuals are able to set goals, take initiative, and keep motivated even with obstacles path.

Empathy; Empathetic individuals are able to recognize and relate to the emotions of others, and respond appropriately.

Social skills; Social skills dimensions of emotional intelligence involve the ability to communicate effectively, build and maintain relationships, and work with others. Socially skilled individuals are able to navigates from complex social situations and build strong relationships with others.

In conclusion, emotional intelligence is a set practical and valuable social skills that can help individuals in succeeding in their personal and professional life as it helps to understand themselves and others, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships.
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