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Laterite Soil| Classification of Indian Soil | UP-PCS | UPSC| Physical Features |GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA

Table of Contents:

  • Formation of Laterite soil
  • Distribution of Laterite Soil in India
  • Characteristics of Laterite soil

Formation of Laterite soil

Laterites soil is also called Brick soil and is widely used for brick production as laterite soil becomes soft when wet and becomes very hard when dry. Ideally, it is developed in an equatorial type climate with high temperature and high rainfall, however, it is also developed in tropical rainforest regions apart from the equatorial region. Laterite soil formed through the process of lateralization. The suitable climatic condition for the lateralization process is high temperature and heavy precipitation.

Distribution of Laterite soil in India:

Laterite soil is found in those regions of India where sufficient high temperatures and heavy precipitation are received. Regions are listed below:

Laterite Soils

  • Western ghats of Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu.
  • Hilly Areas of Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Assam

Characteristics of Laterite Soil:

  • Fertility is nearly absent in the upper layer of soil profile as water-soluble minerals such as Lime and silica from the upper layer of soil get leached to the lower layer of soil due to heavy precipitation.
  • Iron oxide, potash, and aluminum compounds are left in the upper profile of the soil.
  • It has high fertility in the Lower profile of the soil.
  • The Humus content of the soil is low due to high temperature and the precipitation decomposition rate is faster.
  • Poor in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphate, calcium.
  • Because of the above two features, the soil is not suitable for small plants and agriculture but highly suitable for larger plants and plantation crops such as tea, coffee, Rubber, etc.
  • Laterite soil is not suitable for cultivation, however, usage of manure and fertilizer can make the soil fertile.
  • Laterite soil is suitable for tree crops and plantation crops.
  • Laterite soil is widely used for bricks construction.
Try to solve the following questions:
  • Bring out the distribution of Laterite soils in India and their specific use for agriculture.  (UPSC 2014, 250 words, 20 marks)
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