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Climatic regions UPSC | Geography of India| UPSC | UP-PCS | State PCS

 Table of Contents:

  • Koppen Classification of Indian Climate
  • Stamp climate classification of India
  • Thornthwaite climate classification of India
  • Trewartha  climate classification of India

UPSC's previous year's questions related to the Climatic region of India.

  • Discuss the main features of the climatic classification system evolved by Koppen. Also, point out its anomalies. (2005)
  • Discuss the basis of Koppen’s climatic classification. Bring out the salient characteristics of ‘Cs’ type of climate. ( 2015)
  • Draw a sketch map in your answer book to delineate the main climatic regions of India and discuss the important climatic characteristics of each region. (1996)
  • Discuss the role of the spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the delimitation of climatic regions of India, especially with reference to Stamp’s climatic regionalization. ( 2004)
  • Discuss the role of the spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the delimitation of climatic regions of India, especially with reference to stamp’s climatic regionalization (2012, 2016)
  • Examine critically the drawbacks of Koppen’s Classification of climates. Explain how Thornthwaite attempted to overcome Koppen’s limitations. (1996)
  • Discuss the criteria which Thornthwaite adopted in his 1948 classification of world climates. (2002)
For a detailed explanation, watch the below video:

The rest will be discussed in the below links:

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