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Developments in communication and information technology UPSC| Geography of India

Table of contents:
  • Meaning of ICT
  • Development of ICT
  • Types of Communication
  • Newspaper
  • Film
  • Postal 
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Telecom
  • Satellite

Information and Communication Technology( ICT):
Three basic terms are used are Information, Communication, and Technology, let us understand the basics first.

Representation of data in a meaningful way is called information and information help in decision making in all form of daily life.
  • For example, We can get the information on country development after analyzing the data on GDP, income level, education, health, and infrastructure level of the country.

Means exchanging information by speaking, writing, or other means.
Communication has four major elements:
  • Sender
  • Message
  • Medium
  • Receiver
  • Technology means methods, systems, and devices are used to transfer information.

ICT includes various forms of technology, that create, display, store, process, transmit, and share by electronic means.

Popular Technologies of communication are Radio, Telecom, Print Media, Books, message, computers, and the Internet.

Some technology has transformed, for example:
  • Analog Television to Digital Television
  • Printed Newspaper to Electronic version of Newspaper
  • Traditional radio to online radio

Development of communication and Information Technology:
  • In Ancient or earlier times; People used;
    • Smoke signal, 
    • Beating drum, hollow tree trunk
    • Horses, camels, digs, pigeons,
    • Messenger as the mode of communication
    • Drawbacks:
      • Slow, Unreliable, unsafe means of transport
  • Modern;
    • Post office, Telegram, Printing press, Telephone, TV, Internet, satellite.

Types of Communication:
Two types of communication;
  • Personal Communication
    • For example, 
      • A letter, Telephone, Telegram, fax, email, Internet
  • Mass Communication
    • For Example,
      •  Television, Radio, Press, film, satellite, Newspaper, Magazine, Public meeting, Seminars, conferences, Internet live.

Development of Communication In India:

  • Started in 1780 from a printing press in Calcutta
  • Newspapers are published in about 100 languages and dialects.

India is the largest producer of feature films in the world and also produces short films.
Central Board of Film certification, authorized to certify both Indian and foreign films.

Postal Communication:
Postal service started in India on 1st April 1854. Indian postal service is one of the largest in the world, it handles both parcels and letters.
There are three types of mail; based on priority:
  • First-class mail
  • Second class mail

First-Class mail:
  • Cards and envelopes are considered first-class mail and generally airlifted between the station.
Second Class Mail:
  • Book Parcel, the registered newspaper is considered as second-class mail and transfer via land and water transport.

Six Mail Channels are introduced and these are:
  • Rajadhani Channel
  • Metro Channel
  • Green Channel
  • Business Channel
  • Bulk Mail Channel
  • Periodic Channel

Evolution of Radio in India:
  • In 1923, Radio started in India; Radio club of Bombay. It gets immense popularity and changed socio-cultural life.
  • 1930; Indian broadcast system.
  • 1936; it was changed to all India radio
  • 1957; it was changed to Akkashwani
All India Radio( Akashwani) broadcast various programs in national, regional, and local languages.
Evolution Television( T.V) in India:
  • Most effective audio and video mass communication.
  • 1955; TV service was limited in Delhi.
  • 1972; several centers in major cities become operationalized.
  • 1976; TV was delinked from all India Radio(AIR); separate Identity -DD-Doordarshan
Door Darshan, the national television channel of India, one of the largest terrestrial networks in the world provides entertainment, education, and sports.

Telecom Networks:

  • India has one of the largest telecom networks in Asia. More than 2/3rd villages in India have already been covered with Subscriber Trunk Dialling( STD) telephone facilities.
  • Special Provision of government, 24 hours STD facilities to every village in the country
  • Uniform rate of STD facilities all over India
  • Space technology with communication technology has been integrated

CNI; common nation programs started in rural areas and serve remote areas also.

Satellite communication;
  • It regulated the use of other means of communication
  • The satellite enables larger areas
  • Enable strategic and economic advantage
  • The satellite image is used for weather forecasting
  • Monitoring of National calamities, Surveillance, border areas.

On the basis of configuration and purposes; the satellite system is grouped into two parts:
  • INSAT-Indian National Satellite system
  • IRS-Indian Remote Sensing Satellite System

  • Enable in 1983, a multi-purpose satellite system for telecommunication, metrological, observation, and various other data programs.

  • Enable in 1988, from vainer in Russia.
  • Develop PSLV-Polar Satellite Launching vehicle
  • These satellites called data in several spectral bands and transmit them to the ground station for various usages;
  • NRSC-National Remote sensing center- Hyderabad; very helpful in managing natural resources.
  • Mass communication provided entertainment and awareness among people about various national programs and policies.
Try to solve the following questions:
  •  Evaluate the contribution of Communication and Information Technology to the development of the economy and society, and examine the relevance of the recently launched "Digital India" program. (UPSC 2015, 200 words, 15 marks)

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20 February 2022 at 16:16 ×

thank u so much...

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...