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Growing importance of ports on national and foreign trade | Transport, Communication, and Trade | Geography of India

Table of Contents:

  • Major Port in India
  • Significance of Ports for both national and foreign trade
  • Challenges 
  • Government steps

Major Ports in India;

  • India has 7,516.6 km
  • There are 12 major port and more than 200 non-major ports;
  • 12 Major ports account for 95 % of India foreign trade

Arabian ( western)  seaside port from north to South:

  • Kandla
  • Mumbai
  • Jawahar Nehru Port
  • Marmagoa
  • Mangalore
  • Kochi

Bay of Bengal side ( Eastern Side) from south to north:

  • Tuticorin
  • Chennai
  • Vizag
  • Paradip
  • Haldia
  • Kolkata

Major Port of India

Kandala Port;

  • Kandal in Kachha Gujarat
  • The first port developed after Independence to the easy volume of trade on Mumbai Port
  • Kandal Port is also known as tidal port or Deendayal port
  • It facilitates the export and import of state Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Gujarat.

Mumbai Port;

  • It is the biggest port with a spacious and well-sheltered Harbour.

Jawaharlal Nehru Port;

  • Built to easy to Mumbai Port

Marmagao Port( Goa):

    < li>For Iron ore export, 50 % of India's Iron ore export from here only.

Mangalore Port ( Karnataka):

  • Iron ore export concentrated from Kudremukh mines.

Kochi port:

  • Extreme South-western port
  • Located at the entrance of lagoon with a natural harbor

Tuticorin port ( Tamilnadu):

  • Extreme South Eastern Port
  • Natural Harbour and high hinterland
  • Flourishing large handling variety of Cargoes to even from Sri Lanka and the Maldives

Chennai port:

  • One of the oldest Artificial Port
  • It is next big to Mumbai port in terms of volume of trade and cargo


  • It is the deepest landlocked and well-protected port

Paradweep Port:

  • Located in Odisha
  • It is also specialized in the export of Iron ore from the Chhota Nagpur Plateau

Haldia port:

  • Developed to easy burden to Kolkata port

Kolkata port:

  • Inland riverine port
  • It is a very rich hinterland of the Ganga Brahmaputra Basin
  • Tidal Port, require continuous dredging of Hoogly

Significance of Port:
  • Port facilitates the overwater ways and links the hinterland to oversee.
  • Port facilitates the trade for both import and export items
  • Port and economy are complementary to each other as coastal countries are more prosperous than landlocked countries.
  • In India's case also, southern states, Maharastra, and Gujarat are more prosperous than the landlocked states because one of the regions is accessibility to ports.
  • Local community development 

Challenges facing by Indian port:
  • Poor maintenance of port
  • Bureaucracy  and excessive interference

Government steps:
  • 100 % FDI automatic to port development
  • More autonomy to port
  • SagarMala Project

 For a detailed explanation, watch the below video:

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20 February 2022 at 10:46 ×

thank u so much..

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...