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Environmental awareness UPSC | Environmental Education UPSC |Contemporary Issues | Geography of India

 Earlier people lived closer to the environment and they knew better about the environment and usability. Nowadays, due to urbanization and growing population unsustainability practice increasing and environmental awareness is decreasing, we need environmental education for the following purposes:

  • To make aware of the relationship between humans and the environment.
  • To make aware of biotic and abiotic resources of the environment
  • Usability of resources
  • Sustainable use of the environment
  • Conservation and protection of the environment
  • Create a positive attitude about the environment

Evolution of Environment educations:

  • In 1970, the IUCN-International Union for the conservation of nature formalized environmental education.
  • In 1977, Tbilisi declaration about environmental education with a major objective of awareness, knowledge, attitude, skill, and participation in the conservation and promotion of the environment.
  • In 1991, the Supreme court of India directed the government to make compulsory environmental education at all levels of education, and the government incorporated the environment in the school syllabus from 2004-to 05.

The following are two methods to provide environmental education:

  • Formal 
  • Informal

Formal environmental education includes:

  • Proper environment syllabus at primary, secondary, UG, PG, and Ph.D. levels.
  • Research facilities at the local level

Informal Environment education includes;

  • Knowledge spreading through TV, Radio, newspapers, conferences, Signboards, etc.

Try to solve the following questions:

  •  Comment on the impact of environmental education on quality of life. (UPSC 2015, 150 words, 10 marks)

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