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"Linguistic diversity is an asset as well as a challenge in India." Explain the statement focusing on the distribution of language and the major steps taken to address the related issues

Geography answer writing- Day-47

"Linguistic diversity is an asset as well as a challenge in India." Explain the statement focusing on the distribution of language and the major steps taken to address the related issues. (UPSC 2017)

" भाषाई विधिता भारत में एक परिसंपत्ति है तथा साथ-साथ चुनौती भी है |" इस कथन की व्याख्या, भाषाओं के वितरण पर तथा संबंधित मुद्दों के हल के लिए उठाए गए प्रमुख कदमों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हुए, कीजिए |

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