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Heat budgets of the Ocean UPSC | Marine heat budgets UPSC |Oceanography | Physical Geography

UPSC Previous Year Questions:

  • Comment on the marine heat budget and the oceanic circulation system. ( 2009)

Marine Heat Budget:

 If we ignore the temperature rise phenomenon due to climate change. Overall Ocean water temperature is nearly the same, it is not warming or cooling over time;

That means the overall heat of the ocean remains the same which also means total incoming heat to ocean water from all the sources and outgoing heat from the ocean water are equal. 

The details of all the incoming or heat gains and outgoing heat or heat loss in the ocean in all forms; are studied under the Heat Budget of the Ocean.

Ocean Heat Gains( Sources of Ocean Heat):

  • Short wave radiation from Sun:
    • 50 % of Sun Insolation is absorbed by Ocean and land.
    • The ocean is the largest heat collector from the Sun as Ocean covers 71 % of the earth's surface.
  • Direct heating from Air
  • Heat gains from Land
  • Heat Gains from Earth's interior
  • Heat Gains from the biological process
  • Heat gains from the friction of water molecules through the wave, current, etc.

Ocean Heat loss:

  • Heat transfer through evaporation:
    • 51 % of input heat energy received in the ocean is used for evaporation.
  • Surplus heat from the Equator is transferred to the heat deficit region by the ocean current circulation system.
  • Longwave terrestrial radiation to the atmosphere.
  • Heat transfer to air
  • Heat transfer to land
Ocean Heat Budget= Ocean Heat Gains - Ocean Heat loss=0;

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