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Science MCQ | Class 6 NCERT

 1. Match the following.


1. Producer

2. Herbivore

3. Carnivore

4. Omnivore


i. Animals that eat plants or plants product only.

ii. Green plants

iii. Animals that eat both animal and plant products.

iv. Animal which eats animal products only.

        1        2    3        4

a) ii I iv iii

b) I ii iii iv

c) Ii iv I iii

d) Iv iii ii i

Answer: a;

2. Which one of the following is not correct;

a) Iodine solution is used to test the carbohydrate in food.

b) Copper sulfate and caustic soda are used to test the proteins in food.

c) Oily patch on the pest of food indicates the presence of vitamins in the food.

d) Vitamins help the body act against diseases.

2. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सही नहीं है;

a) भोजन में कार्बोहाइड्रेट के परीक्षण के लिए आयोडीन के घोल का उपयोग किया जाता है।

b) भोजन में प्रोटीन का परीक्षण करने के लिए कॉपर सल्फेट और कास्टिक सोडा का उपयोग किया जाता है।

ग) भोजन के कीट पर तैलीय पैच भोजन में विटामिन की उपस्थिति को इंगित करता है।

d) विटामिन शरीर को बीमारियों से बचाने में मदद करते हैं। 

Answer: c; oily patch indicates fats in food.

3. What is the use of Vitamin “A”;

a) To keep our skin and eye health.

b) To boost the immune system and fight against many diseases.

c) Helps our body to use calcium for bones and teeth.

d) Help our body to absorbs nutrients from food.

Answer: b;

4. What is the use of Vitamin “D”;

a) To keep our skin and eye health.

b) To boost the immune system and fight against many diseases.

c) Helps our body to use calcium for bones and teeth.

d) Help our body to absorbs nutrients from food.

Answer: c;

5. What is the use of Vitamin “C”;

a) To keep our skin and eye health.

b) To boost the immune system and fight against many diseases.

c) Helps our body to use calcium for bones and teeth.

d) Help our body to absorbs nutrients from food.

Answer: b;

6. What is the use of water;

a) To keep our skin and eye health.

b) To boost the immune system and fight against many diseases.

c) Helps our body to use calcium for bones and teeth.

d) Help our body to absorbs nutrients from food.

Answer: d;

7. Match the followings;

List-I (Vitamins/Nutrients/Minerals)

1. lack of protein 

2. Vitamin A

3. Vitamin B1

4. Vitamin C

List-II (Deficiency /Disease) 

i. discoloration of hairs.

ii. Beriberi or weakness or weal muscles

iii. Wounds take a longer time to heal or scurvy.

iv. Poor Vision or loss of vision

    1    2    3        4

a) I ii iii iv

b) I iv ii iii

c) I ii iv iii

d) ii I iii-iv

Answer: b;

8. Match the followings;

List-I (Vitamins /Nutrients/Minerals)

1. Vitamin D

2. Calcium

3. Iodine

4. Iron

List-II (Deficiency /Disease) 

i. Anaemia

ii. Goiter

iii. Weak Bone

iv. Rickets

a) I ii iii iv

b) I iv ii iii

c) iv iii ii i

d) ii I iii-iv

Answer: c;

9. Which one of the following is not correct.

a) By eating rice alone, we can fulfill the nutritional requirements of our body.

b) Deficiency diseases can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. 

c) Balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items. 

d) Roughage does not provide any nutrients. 

Answer: a.

10. Which of the following is not a natural fiber;

a) Wool

b) Cotton 

c) Jute

d) Nylon

Answer: d;

11. Match the followings;


1. Ginning

2. Spinning

3. Weaving

4. Knitting


i. Single yarn is used to make fabric.

ii. Process of making fabric 

iii. Process of making yarn from fiber.

iv.  Seeds are separated Fibres by combing.

        1    2    3    4

a)     i    ii    iii    iv

b)     ii    i    iv    iii

c)    iv    iii    ii    i

d)     iv    i    ii    iii

Answer: c;

12. Match the followings;


1. Handpicking.

2. Threshing.

3. Winnowing.

4. Sieving


i.Used when components of the mixture have different sizes.

ii. Used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture by winds.

iii. the process used to separate grains from stalks. 

iv.  Used to separate larger size impurities such as stone, and husk from wheat and rice

    1    2    3    4

a) i    ii    iii    iv

b) iv    iii    ii    i

c) iv    ii    iii    i

d) ii    iv    i       ii

Answer: b;

13. Match the following;


1. Sedimentation.

2. Decantation.

3. Filtration

4. Saturated


i. The point when no more salt can be dissolved in the solution.

ii. Method of separating teal leaves from prepared tea.

iii. When water along with dust is removed. 

iv. Heavier components of the mixture settle after water is added. 

    1    2    3    4    5

a) i    ii    iii    iv

b) ii    i    iv    iii

c) iv    iii    ii    i

d) ii    iii    i    iv

Answer: c;

14. Which one of the following is true;

a) A mixture of milk and water can be separated by filtration.

b) A mixture of powdered salt and sugar can be separated by the process of winnowing.

c) Separation of sugar from tea can be done with filtration.

(d) Grain and husk can be separated with the process of decantation.

Answer: d;

15. Match the following.


1. Herbs

2. Shrubs

3. Tree

4. Creepers


i. Green plants with hard and thin stems and short height. 

ii. Green plants with tender stems and short height.

iii. Plants with weak stems and cannot stand upright but spread on the ground

iv. Green plants with hard and thick stem and tall height. 

    1    2    3    4

a) ii    i    iv    iii

b) i    ii    iii    iv

c) iii   iv    ii    i

d) iv    iii    i    ii

Answer: a;

16. Match the following


1. Petiole.

2. Lamina.

3. Veins

4. midrib


i. The broad, green part of the leaf.

ii. The part of the leaf by which it is attached to the stem. 

iii. Prominent line in the middle of the leaf.

iv.  These lines on the leaf.

        1    2    3    4    

a)     i    ii    iii    iv

b)    ii    i    iv    iii

c)    iii    iv    i    ii

d)     iv    iii    i    ii

Answer: b;

17. Match the following


1. Leaf venation.

2. reticulate

3. Parallel venation

4. Transpiration


i.Water comes out of leaves in the form of vapor by a process.

ii. Veins are parallel to each other.

iii. Net-like design on both sides of the midrib.

iv.  The design made by veins in a leaf. 

    1    2    3    4

a) iv    iii    ii    i

b) iv    i    iii    ii

c) iv     ii    iii    i

d) iii    iv    ii    i

Answer: a;

18. Match the following


1. Taproot

2. Lateral roots

3. Fibrous roots.

4. Fibrous roots


i.  smaller roots of plants

ii. The main root of plants.

iii. Plants having leaves with parallel venation.

iv. All roots are similar and do not have a main root. 

        1    2    3    4

a)     ii    i    iii    iv

b)    i    ii    iv    iii

c)     iv    ii    i    iii

d)     iii    iv    i    ii

Answer: a;

19. Which of the following is not part of Flower;

a) Sepals

b) Petiole

c) Petals

d) Stamens

Answer: b;

The petiole is part of the leaf.

20. Which of the following is not part of Leaf;

a) Petiole

b) Lamina

c) Pistil

d) Midrib

Answer: c;

The pistil is part of Flower;

21. Which of the following is not a part of pistil;

a) Anther

b) Stigma

c) Style

d) Ovary

Answer: a;

The anther is part of the stamen.

22.  Match the followings;


1. Cavity Joints

2. Pivotal Joint

3. Hinge Joints

4. Fixed Joints


i. The bones cannot move at the joints.

ii. Allows movements in all directions.

iii. Allows head forward and backward

iv. Allow to move back and forth

a) I ii iii iv

b) ii iii iv i

c) iii ii iv i

d) ii iii I ii

Answer: b;

23. Our backbone is made up of many small bones called vertebrae. Our backbones have how many vertebrae;

a) 30

b) 33

c) 36

d) 38

Answer; b;

24. The skeleton that is not as hard as bones and they can bend is called;

a) Muscles

b) Cartilage

c) Backbone

d) Pelvic bones

Answer: b;

25. Which one of the following is true;

a) The movement and locomotion of all animals are exactly the same. 

b) The cartilages are harder than bones.

c) The finger bones do not have joints.

(d) The forearm has two bones.

26. Match the items in Column I with one or more items from Column II

Column I

1. Upper Jaw

2. Fish

3. Ribs

4. Snail

5. Cockroach

Column II

i. Have fins on the body

ii. Has an outer skeleton

iii. Can fly in the air

iv. Is an immovable joint

v. Protect the heart

vi. Show very slow movement

vii. Have a streamlined body

Answer: 1-iv; 2-vii; 3-v; 4-vi; 5-ii;

27. The Place where Organism live is called;

a) Adaptation

b) Habitat

c) Forest

d) Grassland

Answer; b

28. The method by which organisms get well adjusted to climate is called;

a) Adaptation

b) Germinated

c) Stimuli

d) Grassland

Answer: a;

29. Changes in our surroundings that make us respond to them are called;

a) Adaptation

b) Germinated

c) Stimuli

d) Reproduce

Answer: c;

30. Which of the following is not essential characteristics of an organism;

a) Respiration

b) Stimuli

c) Reproduce

d) Movable

Answer: d;

31. Match the following;


1. Filaments

2. Conductor

3. Insulator

4. Switch


i. Device used to either break the electric circuit or to complete it.

ii. The material which does not allow the electric current to pass.

iii. The material which allows an electric current to pass.

iv. The fire that gives light.

a) I ii iii iv

b) Ii iii iv i

c) Iv iii ii i

d) Iii iv iii i

Answer: c;

32. Which of the following statement is true;

a) A cylindrical magnet has only one pole.

b) Artificial magnets were discovered in Greece.

c) Similar poles of a magnet repel each other.

d) Maximum iron filings stick in the middle of a bar magnet when it is brought near them.

Answer: c;

33. Water vapor gets added to the air by;

a) Condensation

b) Precipitation

c) Transpiration

d) Snowfall

Answer: c;

34. Which of the following statements is “true”?

a) Water vapor is present in the air only during the monsoon.

b) Water evaporates into the air from oceans, rivers, and lakes but not from the soil.

c) The process of water changing into its vapor, is called evaporation. 

d) The evaporation of water takes place only in sunlight.

Answer: c;

35. Match the following


1. Landfill

2. Composting

3. Vermicomposting


i. Converting plants and animal waste into manure with the help of redworms. 

ii. Converting plants and animal waste into manure.

iii. Areas where garbage collected from the city is dumped.

a) Iii ii i

b) I iii ii

c) I ii iii

d) iii I ii

Answer: a;

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