1922: Birdlife Internation( earlier it was called International Council for Bird Preservation)
- It was renamed Birdlife International in 1993.
- The magazine; "World Birdwatch" contains news about birds, habitats, and their conservation.
- It also provides a red list of birds to IUCN
1937:Wetland International
- HQ: Wageningen, Netherland
- Work: Wetlands and biodiversity
- Partner of Ramsar convention
- Develop mobile knowledge and use practical experience to advocate for better policies
1944: Bretton Wood Conference;
- Established IMF and World Bank
1961: World Wildlife Fund for nature
- HQ; Gland Switzerland
- Six ambition goals:
- Climate; climate-resilient and zero-carbon world.
- Food; double net food availability
- Forest; Conserve the world's important forest
- Freshwater; secure water
- Ocean; safeguard a healthy ocean
- wildlife; protect
1964: IUCN
- International Union for the Conservation of Nature
- Composed of government and civil society organization
- It harnesses the experience, resources
- Publish: Red data book
- Some critically endangered animals of India:
- Pygmy Hog, Namdapha Flying, Malabar Civen, Ghariyal
1972: UNESCO
World Heritage Convention is also known as UNESCO ( United Nations Education Scientific world heritage). Sites are designated for having cultural, historical, scientific, or other forms of significance.
1972; Club of Rome report "The Limit to Growth"
1973; CITES:
- Convention on International trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna (CITES)
- It is an agreement between the countries
- Legally binding for signatories
- A mutual agreement that does not reflect the national law
1976; TRAFFIC( the wildlife trade monitoring network)
- It is an NGO (Non-governmental organization )
- It is also the strategic alliance of the WWF(Worldwide Fund) and IUCN.
- It is against the illegal trade of wildlife that is unsustainable.
1985: Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer
1987; Montreal protocol on a substance that depletes the ozone layer. Ban CFC.
1989: Basel convention; Transboundary movement of Hazardous waste and their disposal.
1992: Convention on biological diversity; Nairobi
1992: Global Environment Facility:
- Established on the eve of Rio Earth Summit 1992.
- HQ: Washington
- Funds are available to developing countries and economies in transition
- GEF support is provided to the government, NGOs, a private institution, etc
- Fund jointly managed by:
- United Nations Development Program(UNDP)
- World Bank
- UNEP-United Nations Environment Program
- Focus areas:
- Biodiversity
- Climate change
- Water
- Ozone
- land degradation
- Persistent pollution
- GEF supports the financing of the following:
- UNCBD-United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
- POPs-Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
- Minamata Convention on Mercury
1992: Rio-Earth Summit
- UNFCCC-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change( later Kyoto Protocol)
- CBD-Convention on Biological Diversity( Nagoya and Cartagena protocol)
- Agenda-21
- UNCCD-United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
1994: The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
- HQ: Bonn, Germany
- The 14th COP: Conference of the party to UNCCD was held in New Delhi; from 2 to 13 September
- Theme: Manual for gender-responsive land degradation neutrality transformative project and programs
1997: Kyoto Protocol
- Under UNFCC: United Nations Framework on Climate Change
- Six Gases; Co2-Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous oxide-N20, Sulphur Hexafluoride-SF6, Methane-CH4, HFC-Hydrofluorocarbon, PFCs-Perfluorocarbon
2001: Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutant
2004: The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture( Seed Treaty / Sustainable uses of Plant Genetic Resources in line with Biodiversity Act)
2008: UN-REDD + Programme;
- United Nations Program on reducing emission from deforestation and forest degradation
- by FAO-Food and Agriculture Organization
- Head Quarter: Geneva, Switzerland
2008: Global Climate Change Alliance
- It is the initiative of the European Union(EU).
- The purpose is to help mainly small island states and least developing countries.
2010: Green Climate Fund
- established under the UNFCCC-United Nations Framework Convention on
2012: Rio + 20 Conference
- Outcome; Sustainable development; Agenda-21
- The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), a UN mechanism to assist countries to transition towards greener and more inclusive economies
2013: Minamata Convention on Mercury
2016: Kigali Agreement; ozone depletion substance; ban HFC.
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