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emergence of Man and Races of Mankind | Distribution and physical traits of major human races of the world UPSC.


Briefly describe the distribution and physical traits of major human races of the world. (UPPSC, 2020, 10 marks)

Describe the characteristics and geographical distribution patterns of human races in the world. (66th BPSC)


Human races are classified on the basis of inherited visible biological characteristics and these biological characteristics are inherited from ancestors.

American anthropologist, Carleton S. Koon divided mankind into the following five races:

  • Caucasoid
  • Mongoloid
  • Negroid
  • Capoid or Bushmen
  • Australian

The distribution of the above main human races is described at the bottom of the figure.

Distribution and physical traits of major human races of the world


Caucasian distribution:

  • A group of people from Europe, the Horn of Africa, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia is called the Caucasian race.
  • The origin of the Caucasian race is believed to be from the Caucasian Mountains of Eurasia.

Physical Characteristics of Caucasians:

  • The color of the skin varies from white to dark brown.
  • It has a narrow nose.
  • Eye color blue/dark brown
  • Tall height
  • Wide face


Distribution of Mongoloids:

  • The Mongoloid race is a group of people from the Arctic, East Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, North America, and South America.

Physical Characteristics of Mongoloid:

  • Skin color varies from yellow to red.
  • Short to medium height
  • Small eyes and mouth.


Distribution of Negroid:

  • The group of people from Sub-Saharan and Central African is called Negroid.

Physical Characteristics of Negroid:

  • Dark dark skin color.
  • black curly hair
  • low nose

Capoid or Bushman:

Distribution of Capoid:

  • The capoid human race is found in the southern part of Africa, mainly around the Kalahari Desert.

Physical Characteristics of Capoid:

  • The skin color of the Bushman people is golden brown.


Australia distribution:

  • The Australian human race mainly inhabits Australia, the islands near Australia, and parts of southern India.

Physical Characteristics of Australia:

  • dark brown skin color

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