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Describe the erosional and depositional landforms of the arid environment | 66th BPSC geography Optional Paper Solutions


 Describe the erosional and depositional landforms of the arid environment. ( 25 Marks, 66th BPSC geography Optional Paper) 

Examine critically Characteristics of topographical features in arid regions. ( UPPSC 2006)

Give a reasoned account of the development of landforms in an arid region. ( UPPSC 1997)


A dry environment is an environment where evaporation is greater than precipitation. Hot deserts and cold deserts are examples of dry environments. Air and water are two geomorphic agents in a dry environment. In desert areas, torrential rainfall occurs for a limited period of time, due to which water along with wind is an active geomorphic agent.

The following are the erosional landforms in the arid environment:

  • Pediment
  • Monadnock or Inselberg
  • Pediplain
  • Mushroom rocks
  • Zeugen

The following are the depositional landforms in an arid environment:

  • Playas
  • Sand dunes
  • Longitudinal dunes.
  • Transverse dunes.

erosional and depositional landforms of the arid environment


The pediment is one of the most prominent erosional landforms in the arid region formed by water erosion with the following characteristics:

  • Pediments are rocky floors with a gentle slope.
  • Pediments are formed near the foot of the mountains.
  • There may or may not be debris on it.
  • Pediments are formed by horizontal erosion in the front of the mountains, which are usually formed by streams and floods.

Monadnock or Inselberg:

  • As we know, pediments are formed at the foot of the mountain. Over time, there is a parallel retreat in the slopes due to backwashing. 
  • With the retreat of the pediment, the mountain front also retreats parallelly. Gradually, the remainder of the mountain is made up of hard rocks called the Monadnock or Inselberg.

Pediplains :

  • Over time, relief landforms such as pediments and Inselberg get eroded to form a featureless plain called a  peneplain. Pediplains are erosional landforms in arid environments.

Mushroom Rocks:

When winds erode more of the bottom of the rocks than the top of the rocks, the rock looks like a mushroom with a narrow base and a wide top, this is called mushroom landform.


  • When the rocks are eroded, the table shape is left, it is called Jeugen landform.


Playas are depositional landforms in arid environments. Playas are formed in the following ways:

  • When it rains heavily in the desert region, sediments from the mountains and hills get deposited in the center of the valleys.
  • And an almost flat plain is formed, it is called playas.
  • When sufficient water is available for a short period, the plain is covered by a shallow water body.
  • There is also a good deposition of salts in the playa.


  • In hot desert areas, where sufficient sand is available, winds transport the sand and deposit it unsorted way over large areas, called Loess.

Sand dunes:

Where sand is available in sufficient quantity, sand dunes are formed.

There are several types of sand dunes:

  • Crescent Dunes
  • Longitudinal Dunes
  • Transverse Dunes

Crescent dunes:

Crescent dunes, also known as Barchans, are found in abundance in sandy deserts. The shape of the crescent-shaped dunes is like the letter "C". The wings of the crescent-shaped dunes come out in the direction of the wind.

Longitudinal Dunes:

  • When the wind direction is constant and there is a lack of sand supply, longitudinal dunes are formed. Longitudinal dunes are usually of great length but less in height.

Transverse Dunes:

  • Transverse dunes are formed perpendicular to the direction of the wind. It is formed when the wind direction is constant and there is a sufficient source of sand. It is of less height, the length is more.

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