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The preamble of the Indian Constitution MCQ [ Source M Laxmikant] | Polity MCQ [ SET-4]

 The preamble of the Indian Constitution MCQ

1. Preamble of the Indian Constitution is borrowed from which country?

a) American Constitution

b) Canadian Constitution

c) British Constitution

d) Irish Constitution

Answer. A. The USA

2. Which one of the following persons had called the Preamble the “Identity card of the constitution”?

a) N A Palkhivala

b) Pandit Nehru

c) Dr. B R Ambedkar

d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answer. a;

N A Palkhivala called the preamble the “Identity card of the constitution”.

Nani Ardeshir Palkhivala, commonly known as N. A. Palkhivala, was an Indian jurist, economist, and statesman. He was known for his exceptional legal and oratory skills. Palkhivala served as India's Ambassador to the United States and also held various important positions, including being a respected constitutional lawyer.

3. Which of the following word was not added in the preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act (1976)

a) Socialist

b) Secular

c) Integrity

d) Republic

Answer. d; republic

4. How many types of Justices are mentioned in the preamble?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Answer. b;

Three types of justice, Social, Economic, and Political;

Social Justice: This implies the fair distribution of resources and opportunities among various sections of society to eliminate inequalities and promote the welfare of all citizens.

Economic Justice: This aims to ensure that there is no concentration of wealth and resources in the hands of a few and that economic disparities are reduced through various measures.

Political Justice: This involves providing equal political rights and opportunities to all citizens, irrespective of their background, so that they can participate in the democratic process.

5. How many types of Liberty are mentioned in the preamble?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Answer. d;

There are 5 types of Liberty in the preamble.

Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.

Liberty of Thought, Expression, Belief, Faith, and Worship: This guarantees individual freedoms, allowing citizens to express their thoughts, beliefs, and faith without fear of oppression.

6. How many types of Equality are mentioned in the preamble?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Answer. a) 2;

Equality of status and opportunity;

Equality of Status and Opportunity: This emphasizes equal treatment and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their caste, religion, gender, or other differentiating factors.

7. On which date, the Constituent Assembly had adopted the constitution?

a) November 26, 1949

b) December 26, 1949

c) January 24, 1950

d) January 26, 1950

Answer. a; November 26, 1949.

The Constituent Assembly adopted on November 26, 1949, however, the Indian Constitution was adopted on January 26, 1950. This day is celebrated as Republic Day in India. 

After the final draft was prepared, it was adopted on November 26, 1949, and came into effect on January 26, 1950. This date was chosen to commemorate the declaration of India's independence from British rule on January 26, 1930.

The Constituent Assembly of India, composed of elected representatives from various regions and communities, played a pivotal role in drafting and finalizing the Constitution. The drafting process took almost three years, during which intense debates and discussions were held to ensure that the Constitution reflected the diverse aspirations of the Indian population.

On the day of adoption, the Indian Constitution replaced the Government of India Act, of 1935, as the governing document of the country. Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first President of India, and the country officially became a democratic republic with a President as the head of state.

8. Which of the following is not part of the four ingredients of the preamble?

a) Source of the authority of the constitution

b) Nature of Indian State

c) Objective of the Constitution

d) Date of implementation of the constitution

Answer. d;

There are four ingredients in the preamble:

Source of the authority of the constitution: Constitution derives authority from the people of India.

Nature of Indian state: India is sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, and republic;

The objective of the Constitution: Justice, Liberty, equality, fraternity

Date of implementation adoption of the constitution.

9. Indian Socialism is based on

a) Marxism

b) Russian

c) Chinese

d) Gandhian

Answer. d;

Indian socialism is a mix of Marxism and Gandhian socialism and it is more close to Gandhian socialism.

10. Direct democracy is based on four devices, which of the following is not a device of direct democracy?

a) Referendum

b) Initiative

c) Election

d) Recall

Answer. c; election is the tool of Indirect democracy;

Four tools of direct democracy are:





Referendum: A referendum is a direct vote in which the entire electorate is asked to vote on a specific issue or policy. It can be initiated by the government or by a petition from the citizens. Referendums are used to make decisions on important issues, such as changes to the constitution, major policy changes, or territorial matters.

Initiative: An initiative allows citizens to propose new laws or changes to existing laws through a petition process. If a certain number of signatures are collected, the proposed initiative is put to a public vote. If the initiative receives a majority of votes, it becomes law.

Recall: Recall allows citizens to remove elected officials from office before their term is completed. If a specified number of signatures are collected on a petition, a recall election is held, giving voters the opportunity to decide whether the official should be removed.

Plebiscite: A citizens' assembly is a randomly selected group of citizens who come together to deliberate and make recommendations on specific issues. These assemblies provide a representative sample of the population and allow for informed discussions and decisions.

11. The term “Democratic” is used in the Preamble; a broader sense of Democratic means:

a) Political democracy only

b) Social democracy only

c) Economic democracy only

d) All

Answer. d;

Social democracy means a way of life that recognizes liberty, equality, and fraternity.

12. The ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity in our preamble have been taken from?

a) French Revolution

b) Russian Revolution

c) Irish Constitution

d) USA Constitution

Answer. a;

French Revolution (1789-1799)

13. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides equal pay for equal work and secures men and women equal rights.

a) Article 38

b) Article 39

c) Article 325

d) Article 326

Answer. b; Article 39 of DPSP;

Article 325; no person is to be declared ineligible in electoral rolls on grounds of religion, race, caste, or sex.

Article 326; Election of Lok Sabha and State Assembly on the basis of adult suffrage.

14. Who gave the statement that the preamble is the “Horoscope of our Sovereign democratic republic”

a) KM Munshi

b) Sir Alladi Krishnaswami Iyer

c) Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava

d) Ernest Barker

Answer. a;

Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, commonly known as K. M. Munshi, was an Indian freedom fighter, writer, educationist, and politician. He played a significant role in various spheres of Indian life during the pre-independence and post-independence eras.

15. In which case did the Supreme Court opine that the preamble is not a part of the Constitution?

a) Berubari Union Case (1960)

b) Kesavananda Bharti case (1973)

c) Meneka Ghandhi Case(1976)

d) Minerva Mill case(1980)

Answer. a; Berubari Union Case;

The Berubari Union case refers to a significant legal dispute between India and Pakistan over the Berubari Union, a small territory located near the India-Bangladesh border (formerly India-Pakistan border). The case was brought before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 1960.

16. Which of the following is not true about the preamble?

a) Preamble is part of the Constitution

b) Preamble is neither a source of power to the legislature nor a prohibition upon the powers of the legislature

c) It is non-justiciable 

d) Its provision can be enforceable in courts of law.

Answer. d;

Its provision can not be enforceable in courts of law.

17.  How many types of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity in that order have been mentioned in the preamble of the Constitution of India? ( UPPSC 2018)

a) 3,5,2, 1     

b) 1,3,5,2

c) 2,5,3,1     

d) 5,2,1,3

Answer. a) 3,5,2, 1     ;

  • Justice: Social, economic, and Political Justice.
  • Liberty: thought, expression, faith, belief, and worship.
  • Equality: status and opportunity
  • fraternity: the dignity of the citizen

18. What is the legal nature of the Preamble of the Constitution? (UPPSC 2019)

a) It is enforceable

b) It is not enforceable

c) It may be enforced in special circumstances.

d) None of the above

Answer. b) It is not enforceable

19. Which of the following words is NOT mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution of India? ( UPPSC 2021)

a) Sovereign

b) Democratic

c) Secular

d) Federal

Answer. D;

20. What is the legal nature of the Preamble of the Constitution? ( UPPSC 2019)

a) It is enforceable

b) It is not enforceable

c) It may be enforced in special circumstances.

d) None of the above

Answer. b;

The preamble of the Constitution is not enforceable.

21. How many types of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity in that order have been mentioned in the preamble of the Constitution of India?  ( UPPSC 2018)

a) 3,5,2, 1     

b) 1,3,5,2

c) 2,5,3,1     

d) 5,2,1,3

Answer. a

Justice: Social, economic, and Political Justice.

Liberty: thought, expression, faith, belief, and worship.

Equality: status and opportunity

fraternity: the dignity of the citizen.

22. Which one of the following is a correct sequencing of the features of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

a) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic

b) Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Democratic, Republic

c) Secular, Socialist, Sovereign, Republic, Democratic

d) Democratic, Republic, Sovereign, Socialist, Secular

Answer. a) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic


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27 March 2023 at 05:06 ×

It was a quick revision

19 April 2023 at 17:41 ×

Where I can find other questions on this topic

15 June 2023 at 17:18 ×

Quality MCQ s
Thank you

5 August 2023 at 14:59 ×

Quick and concise

5 September 2023 at 15:37 ×

Will you provide these questions in PDF form ?

22 September 2023 at 21:52 ×

Where I got all the questions
