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Amendment of the constitution MCQ [ Source M Laxmikant] | Polity MCQ [ SET-10]

Constitutional Amendments at Glance 

1. In which constitutional amendment, the ninth Schedule was added to protect the land reform law from Judicial Review?

a) 1st

b) 8th

c) 9th

d) 10th

Answer. a; 1st Constitutional amendment (1951) added the ninth schedule;

8th CAA(1960): Reservation for SCs/STs, Anglo Indian was extended up to 1970.

9th CAA(1960): Cession of Indian Berubari territory to Pakistan under the Indo-Pakistan Agreement(1958).

10th CAA(1961): Dadra and Nagar Haveli in Indian Union.

2. In which constitutional amendment act, four categories( Part A, B, C, D) of states were abolished and recognized 14 states and 6 Union?

a) 7th

b) 8th

c) 9th

d) 10th

Answer. a;

7th CAA 1956.

3. In which constitutional amendment act, empowers the establishment of a common high court for two or more states?

a) 7th

b) 8th

c) 9th

d) 10th

Answer. a;

7th CAA 1956.

4. Match the following;

List-I (Constitutional Amendment)

I. 10th CAA (1961)

II. 12th CAA (1962)

III. 13th CAA (1962)

IV. 14th CAA (1962)


A. Incorporation of Puducherry in the Indian Union

B. State status of Nagaland and special provision

C. Incorporation of Goa, Daman, and Diu in the Indian Union

D. Incorporation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli in the Indian Union

        A B C D





Answer. c;

5. Which of the following Constitutional Amendment Acts abolished the system of Election Tribunals and vested the power to hear election petitions in the High Court?

a) 19th CAA (1966)

b) 21st CAA(1967)

c) 22nd CAA(1969)

d) 23rd CAA (1969)

Answer. a;

19th CAA(1966): Abolished the system of election Tribunals.

21st CAA(1967): Sindhi as the 15th Language in the eighth.

22nd CAA(1969): Autonomous status of Meghalaya within Assam.

23rd CAA(1969): Extension of SC/ST reservation in Lok Sabha and state assemblies up to 1980.

6. Which of the following Constitutional Amendment Acts made it compulsory for the president to give his assent to a constitutional amendment bill?

a) 24th CAA(1971)

b) 26th CAA( 1971)

c) 27th CAA(1972)

d) 28th CAA(1972)

Answer. a. 24th CAA(1971), 

It made it compulsory for the president to give his assent to a constitutional amendment bill.

Affirmed the power of parliament to amend any part of the constitution.

7. 36th Constitutional amendment Act(1975) is related to;

a) Termination of the protectorate status of Sikkim.

b) Made Sikkim a full-fledged state of the Indian state

c) Disputes relating to the president, vice president, prime minister, and speaker beyond the scope of the judiciary.

d) Provision related to Exclusive economic zone( EEZ)

Answer. b;

Termination of the protectorate status of Sikkim (35th CAA 1974)

Made Sikkim a full-fledged state of Indian state ( 36th CAA 1975)

Disputes relating to the president, vice president, prime minister, and speaker are beyond the scope of the judiciary. (39th CAA 1975)

Provision related to Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ) (40th CAA 1976)

8. Which constitutional amendment act raised the retirement age of the State Public Service Commission and Joint Public Service Commission from 60 to 62

a) 41st CAA (1976)

b) 42nd CAA (1976)

c) 43rd CAA (1977)

d) 44th CAA (1978)

Answer. a. 41st CAA

42nd CAA 1976( new words Socialist, Secular, integrity) in the preamble. Fundamental duties added.

43rd CAA (1977): restore the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and high court.

44th CAA (1978): Deleted the right to property of fundamental rights. They made provision that articles 20 and 21 cannot be suspended during a national emergency.

9. Anti-defection law was made in which constitutional amendment act?

a) 52nd CAA 1985

b) 61st CAA 1989

c) 71st CAA 1992

d) 73rd CAA 1992

Answer. a. 52nd 1985, 10th Schedule added

61st 1989: Voting right; reduced the voting age from 21 years to 18 years.

71st 1992: Konkani, Manipuri, and Nepali languages in eight schedules

73rd 1992: Part IX and Schedule 11 were added relating to Panchayati Raj.

74th 1992: Part IX-A and Schedule 12 were added relating to Municipalities.

10. Which constitutional act made elementary education a fundamental right?

a) 86th CAA 2002

b) 87th CAA 2003

c) 91st CAA 2003

d) 92nd CAA 2003

Answer. a; 86th CAA 2002, made changes in Articles 21 A, 51 A, and Article 45 for elementary education.

87th CAA 2003; readjustment of constituencies based on 2001 census.

91st CAA 2003; the total number of ministers including the prime minister shall not exceed 15 % of the total strength of Lok Sabha and shall not be less than 12, and the same is for the state assembly.

92nd CAA 2003;  Bodo, Dogri, Mathili, and Santhali are included in the 8th Schedule, total schedule languages became 22.

11. Which of the following constitutional amendments is related to Goods and Services Tax(GST):

a) 100th CAA 2015

b) 101st  CAA 2016

c) 102nd  CAA 2018

d) 103rd  CAA 2019

Answer. b, 101st CAA 2016

100th CAA 2015: Boundary agreement between India and Pakistan

101st CAA 2016: GST

102nd CAA 2018: Constitutional status for National Commission for Backward Classes( NCBC)

103rd CAA 2019: 10 % reservation for Economically weaker sections.

104th CAA 2020: removed reservation seats for the Anglo-Indian community.

12. Consider the following statements regarding Article 368 of the Constitutional amendment bill;

1. Constitutional amendment bills can be initiated only in Lokasabha; not in Rajya Sabha.

2. The bill can be introduced either by the minister or by a private member.

3. The bill does not require prior permission from the President.

4. The bill must be passed in each house with a special majority means 50 % of the total membership of the house and 2/3rd of the members of the house present and voting.

Which of the above statements is correct;

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 1,2, and 3 only

c) 2,3, and 4 only

d) 1,2,3, and 4 only

Answer: c;

A simple majority requires more votes in favor than against among the members present and voting.

A special majority requires a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, as well as a majority of the total membership of the house. A special majority is needed to amend certain parts of the Constitution or to pass certain types of bills that have a profound impact on the structure or functioning of the country.

13 . The Constitution can be amended in three ways;

1. By the simple majority of parliament.

2. By the special majority of parliament.

3. By the special majority of parliament and ratification of half of the state legislative.

Which of the above amendments comes under Article 368.

a) 1and 2 only

b) 1 and 3 only

c) 2 and 3 only

d) 1, 2, and 3 only

Answer: c.

14. 1. Procedure laid down for amendment of the Indian constitution is based on which constitution of the world?

a) the UK

b) the USA

c) Synthesis of UK and USA

d) Japan

Answer. c) Synthesis of UK and USA.

Indian constitution is neither rigid like the USA’s constitution nor flexible like UK’s constitution. It is a synthesis of both constitutions.

15. Article 368, amending procedure of constitution is mentioned in which part of the Indian constitution?

a) Part X

b) Part VI

c) Part IX

d) Part XX

Answer. d) Part XX

16. An amendment of the constitution can be initiated only in?

a) Rajya Sabha Only

b) Lok Sabha Only

c) Either Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha

d) Either Parliament or State Legislatures

Answer. c) Either House of Parliament

17. Which of the following statements is false regarding the Constitutional Amendment bill?

a) It can be introduced by the minister.

b) It can be introduced by a private member.

c) Introduction of the constitutional amendment bill does not require prior permission from the president.

d) There is a provision for holding a joint sitting of the two houses in case of disagreement.

Answer. d) There is a provision for holding a joint sitting of the two houses in case of disagreement.

18. Which of the following amendments require only a simple majority of parliament?

a) Election of the president.

b) Emoluments, allowances, and privileges of the president.

c) Executive power of the Union and the states.

d) Representation of states in Parliament.

Answer. b) Emoluments, allowances, and privileges of the president.

The special majority of parliament and the consent of states are required to change the federal structure of the constitution. Some of the federal structures are:

1. Election of the president

2. Executive power of the union and the states.

3. Power of Supreme court and high court.

4. Distribution of legislative power of Union and states.

5. Seventh Schedule

6. State's representation in parliament

7. Article 368

19. Which of the following statements regarding the 74th Amendment to the Constitution of India are correct? (BEO 2020)

1. It provides the insertion of a new Schedule to the constitution.

2. It restructures the working of Municipalities

3. It provides the reservation of seats for women in Municipalities

4. It is applicable only to some specified states.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:


a) 1,2, and 3 are correct

b) 1,2, and 4 are correct

c) 1,3, and 4 are correct

d) 2,3, and 4 are correct

Answer. a) 1,2, and 3 are correct;

20. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code given below : (UPPSC 2017)

List I

A. Curtailment of the power of judicial review

B. Abolition of Right to the property as a fundamental right

C. Lowering the voting age from 21 to 18

D. Addition of the word secular in the preamble

List II

1. 61st Amendment

2. 42nd Amendment

3. 38th Amendment

4. 44th Amendment

Codes :

     A B C D

a) 1 2 4 3

b) 2 4 1 3

c) 3 4 1 2

d) 4 1 3 2

Answer. c) 3 4 1 2

21. By which constitutional amendment act the number of Central Ministers has been limited to 15% of the total number of members of the Lok Sabha? (UPPSC 2015)

a) 91st Amendment

b) 92nd Amendment

c) 90th Amendment

d) None of the above

Answer. a) 91st Amendment;

  • Article: 72 also prescribes the number of Central Ministers has been limited to 15% of the total number of members of the Lok Sabha

22. Which of the following Constitution Amendment Acts made necessary provisions for the implementation of the GST( Goods and Service Tax) regime? ( UPPSC 2021)

a) 101st Amendment Act

b) 102nd Amendment Act

c) 103rd Amendment Act

d) 104th Amendment Act

Answer. a.

101st Amendment Act[2016]: GST

102nd Amendment:[ 2018]: Backward Classes as Constitutional status.

103rd Amendment[2019]: Protected the economic and educational interest of a weaker section of society, amendments were made in Articles 14, 15, and 46.

104th Amendment Act[2020]: 

23. Consider the following and arrange these in chronological order. ( UPPSC 2021)

I. Golak Nath's case

II. Keshawanand Bharti Case

III. 24th Constitution Amendment Act

IV. 42nd Constitution Amendment Act.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.


a) I, III, II, IV

b) I, II, III, IV

c) III, I, II, IV

d) III, I, IV, II

Answer. A;

24. When was the third tier added to the Indian Federal System? ( UPPSC 2020)

a) 1990

b) 1991

c) 1992

d) 1993

Answer: C; 1992

73rd Constitutional Amendment Act was passed in 1992.

25. Which of the following Article was inserted by the 42nd Constitution Amendment to provide for the participation of workers in Management? ( UPPSC 2019)

a) Article 38

b)Article 39A

c)Article 45

d) Article 43A

Answer. d;

 Article 43 A was inserted by the 42nd Constitution Amendment to provide for the participation of workers in Management.

26. Voting rights by the youths at the age of 18 years were exercised for the first time in the General Election of ( UPPSC 2011)

a) 1987

b) 1988

c) 1989

d) 1990

Answer: (c)

27. Identify the correct chronological order in which the following States were created in India from the codes given below: ( UPPSC 2014)

1. Andhra Pradesh

2. Himachal Pradesh

3. Haryana

4. Sikkim


a) 1, 2, 3, 4

b) 1, 3, 2, 4

c) 4, 3, 1, 2

d) 3, 4, 1, 2

Answer. b.

Andhra Pradesh( 1956)

Himachal Pradesh: 1966

Haryana: 1971

Sikkim: 1975

28. By which constitutional amendment act the number of Central Ministers has been limited to 15% of the total number of members of the Lok Sabha? ( UPPSC 2015)

a) 91st Amendment

b) 92nd Amendment

c) 90th Amendment

d) None of the above

Answer. a. 91st Amendment restricts the 15 % limit.

Article: 72 also prescribes the number of Central Ministers has been limited to 15% of the total number of members of the Lok Sabha

29. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code given below :  ( UPPSC 2017)

List I

A. Curtailment of the power of judicial review

B. Abolition of Right to the property as a fundamental right

C. Lowering the voting age from 21 to 18

D. Addition of the word secular in the preamble

List II

1. 61st Amendment

2. 42nd Amendment

3. 38th Amendment

4. 44th Amendment

Codes :

     A B C D

a) 1 2 4 3

b) 2 4 1 3

c) 3 4 1 2

d) 4 1 3 2

 Answer. c


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28 September 2022 at 18:10 ×

105th CAA = land boundary agreement between india and bangladesh

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...