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Quiz on Resources | Chapter 1 NCERT Class 8 Geography MCQ | Chapter-1[ Resources]

Chapter-1[ Resources]

1. Which one of the following does NOT make the substance a resource?

a) utility 

b) value 

c) quantity

d) none

Answer. c; Quantity.

Quantity does not make the substance a resource.

Utility and value are two important substances of a resource.

Utility means the usability of resources.

Values mean the economic values of the resources.

2.  Which one of the following is a human-made resource?

a) Medicines to treat cancer

b) Springwater

c) Tropical forests

d) Himalaya

Answer. a) Medicines to treat cancer.

Medicines to treat cancer are a human-made resource.

There are two types of resources:

Natural resources such as spring water, forest, land, water, air, etc.

Human-made resources such as medicines, roads, electricity, etc.

3.  Complete the statement. Non-renewable resources are

a) those which have limited stock

b) made by human beings

c) derived from non-living things

d) derived from living things

Answer. a) those which have limited stock

Non-renewable resources are those which have limited stock as once stock is exhausted it takes thousands of years to regenerate.

4. What makes an object or substance a resource?

a) Availability

b) Utility

c) Reliability

d) Reachability

Answer. b) Utility

5. the exclusive right over any idea or invention is called?

a) Resource

b) Utility

c) Patent

d) Technology

Answer. c) Patent

6. the application of the latest knowledge and skill in doing or making things is called?

a) Resource

b) Utility

c) Patent

d) Technology

Answer. d) Technology

7. Resources that are drawn from Nature and used without much modification are called?

a) natural resource

b) human made resource

c) human resource

d) All of the above

Answer. a) natural resource

8. Which of the following is not a natural resource?

a) Air

b) Water

c) Land

d) Cloth

Answer. d) cloth

9. The resources which get renewed or replenished quickly are called?

a) Natural resources

b) Renewable resources

c) Non-renewable resource

d) Human resources

Answer. b) Renewable resources

10. Which of the following resources are unlimited and are not affected by human activities?

a) Wind Energy

b) Solar Energy

c) Tidal energy

d) All of the above

Answer. d) All of the above

11. The resources which have limited stock. Once the stocks are exhausted it may take thousands of years to be renewed or replenished?

a) Natural resources

b) Renewable resources

c) Non-renewable resource

d) Human resources

Answer. c) Non-renewable resource

12. Which of the following resources is not a non-renewable resource?

a) Coal

b) Petroleum

c) Natural Gas

d) Solar energy

Answer. d) Solar energy

13. Which of the following is a human-made resource?

a) Coal

b) Petroleum

c) Natural Gas

d) Technology

Answer. d) Technology is a human-made resource.

14. Which of the following help in making people a valuable resource?

a) Knowledge

b) Education

c) Health

d) All of the above

Answer. d) All of the above

15. Carefully utilising resources so that besides meeting the requirements of the present, also takes care of future generations is called?

a) Resource saving

b) Resource Development

c) Sustainable development

d) resource conservation

Answer. c) Sustainable development

16. Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called?

a) Resource saving

b) Resource Development

c) Sustainable development

d) resource conservation

Answer. d) resource conservation

17. Which of the following is not a method of resource conservation?

a) increasing consumption

b) recycling

c) reusing

d) reducing consumption

Answer. a) increasing consumption

18. Which of the following is not a Principles of Sustainable Development

a) Respect and care for all forms of life.

b) Improve the quality of human life.

c) Minimize the depletion of natural resources.

d) Deforestation

Answer. d) Deforestation

Chapter Wise MCQ of class 8 geography

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