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Quiz on Distribution of Oceans and Continents | Chapter 4 Class 11 NCERT Geography MCQ | [ UNIT II : THE EARTH]

 Chapter 4 -Distribution of Oceans and Continents [ UNIT II: THE EARTH]

1. Continents cover ----------- percent of the surface of the earth's surface.

a) 25

b) 29

c) 33

d) 71

Answer. b) 29

2. It was -----------, a Dutch mapmaker, who first proposed in 1596 the possibility of two Americas, Europe, and Africa, being once joined together.

a) Antonio Pellegrini

b) Alfred Wegener

c) Abraham Ortelius

d) Edwin Hubble

Answer. c) Abraham Ortelius

3. It was  -------------a German meteorologist who put forth a comprehensive argument in the form of “the continental drift theory" in 1912.

a) Antonio Pellegrini

b) Alfred Wegener

c) Abraham Ortelius

d) Edwin Hubble

Answer. b) Alfred Wegener

4. As per Wegener, all continents were part of a single supercontinent, it was named?

a) Pangaea

b) Panthalassa

c) Gondwanaland

d) Laurasia

Answer. a) Pangaea

5. As per Wegener, all ocean were part of mega-ocean, it was named?

a) Pangaea

b) Panthalassa

c) Gondwanaland

d) Laurasia

Answer. b) Panthalassa

6. As per Wegener, around ----------- million years ago, the supercontinent, Pangaea, began to split.

a) 100

b) 150

c) 200

d) 250

Answer. a) 200

7. Which of the following is not evidence supporting the continental drift?

a) The Matching of Continents (Jig-Saw-Fit)

b) Rocks of Same Age Across the Oceans

c) Polar fleeing force

d) Placer Deposits

Answer. c) Polar fleeing force

8. The polar-fleeing force relates to the ------------ of the earth.

a) Revolution

b Rotation

c) Gravitation force

d) Bulge at the equator

Answer. b) Rotation

9. ------------- in the 1930s discussed the possibility of convection currents operating in the mantle portion.

a) Alfred Wegener

b) Arthur Holmes

c) Edwin Hubble

d) McKenzie, Parker, and Morgan

Answer. b) Arthur Holmes

10. Deep trenches, mainly located closer to the -------------.

a) Mid-oceanic ridge

b) Continental shelf

c) Continent margins

d) Abyssal Plains

Answer. c) Continent margins

11. Which of the following relief feature is not a part of Continental Margin?

a) Continental shelf

b) Continental slope

c) continental rise and deep-oceanic trenches

d) Abyssal Plains

Answer. d) Abyssal Plains

12. -------------- are extensive plains that lie between the continental margins and mid-oceanic ridges.

a) Continental shelf

b) Continental slope

c) Mid-Oceanic Ridges

d) Abyssal Plains

Answer. d) Abyssal Plains

13. -------------forms an interconnected chain of mountain systems within the ocean.

a) Continental shelf

b) Continental slope

c) Mid-Oceanic Ridges

d) Abyssal Plains

Answer. c) Mid-Oceanic Ridges

14. Which of the following is the zone of intense volcanic activity.

a) Continental shelf

b) Continental slope

c) Mid-Oceanic Ridges

d) Abyssal Plains

Answer. c) Mid-Oceanic Ridges

15. The ocean crust rocks are ------------ the continental rocks.

a) same age

b) much younger than

c) much older than

d) None

Answer. b) much younger than. 

16. Who had propounded the "seafloor spreading" theory?

a) Alfred Wegener

b) Harry Hammond Hess

c) Arthur Holms

d) McKenzie, Parker, and Morgan

Answer. b) Harry Hammond Hess(1961)

17. Who gave the Plate Tectonics theory?

a) Alfred Wegener

b) Harry Hammond Hess

c) Arthur Holms

d) McKenzie, Parker, and Morgan

Answer. d) McKenzie, Parker, and Morgan

18. Thickness range of Tectonic plates varies between ---------- km in oceanic parts and about -------- km in the continental areas.

a) 5 and 100, 200

b) 200, 5 and 100

c) 100, 200

d) 100, 50

Answer. a) 5 and 100, 200

19. Which of the following is not a minor Tectonic plate?

a) Cocos Plate

b) Nazca Plate

c) Pacific Plate

d) Philippine plate

Answer. c) Pacific Plate

20. Which of the following is not a minor Tectonic plate?

a) Arabian Plate

b) Caroline Plate

c) Fuji Plate

d) Antarctica plate

Answer. d) Antarctica plate

21. How many major tectonic plates are in the earth?

a) 5

b) 7

c) 9

d) 11

Answer. b) 7; South America, North America, Africa, Eurasian, Indian- Australia-Newzealand, Antarctica, Pacific Plate,

22. Cocos plate is located between---------------.

a) Central America and Pacific plate

b) South America and Pacific plate

c) the Philippine and Indian plate.

d) North-east of Australia

Answer. a) Central America and Pacific plate

23. Fuji plate is in the --------------.

a) Central America and Pacific plate

b) South America and Pacific plate

c) the Philippine and Indian plate.

d) North-east of Australia

Answer. d) North-east of Australia

24. Caroline plate is located between---------------.

a) Central America and Pacific plate

b) South America and Pacific plate

c) the Philippine and Indian plate.

d) North-east of Australia

Answer. c) the Philippine and Indian plates.

25. Nazca plate is located between---------------.

a) Central America and Pacific plate

b) South America and Pacific plate

c) the Philippine and Indian plate.

d) North-east of Australia

Answer. b) South America and Pacific plate

26. New crust is generated on which tectonic boundaries

a) Divergent Boundaries

b) Convergent Boundaries

c) Transverse Boundaries

d) All of the above

Answer. a) Divergent Boundaries

27. The crust is destroyed on which tectonic boundaries

a) Divergent Boundaries

b) Convergent Boundaries

c) Transverse Boundaries

d) All of the above

Answer. b) Convergent Boundaries

28. Where the crust is neither produced nor destroyed on which tectonic boundaries

a) Divergent Boundaries

b) Convergent Boundaries

c) Transverse Boundaries

d) All of the above

Answer. c) Transverse Boundaries

29. India collided with Asia about ---------- million years ago causing rapid uplift of the Himalayas.

a) 40-50

b) 50-60

c) 60-70

d) 70-80

Answer. a) 40-50

30. the outpouring of lava and the formation of the Deccan Traps have started somewhere around --------------- million years ago.

a) 40

b) 50

c) 60

d) 70

Answer. c) 60

31. Who amongst the following was the first to consider the possibility of Europe, Africa, and America have been located side by side.

(a) Alfred Wegener 

b) Antonio Pellegrini

c) Abraham Ortelius

d) Edmond Hess

Answer. c) Abraham Ortelius

32. Polar fleeing force relates to:

a) Revolution of the Earth 

b) Gravitation

c) Rotation of the earth

d) Tides

Answer. c) Rotation of the earth

33. Which one of the following is not a minor plate?

a) Nazca

b) Arabia

c) the Philippines

d) Antarctica

Answer. d) Antarctica

34. Which one of the following facts was not considered by those while discussing the concept of seafloor spreading?

a) Volcanic activity along the mid-oceanic ridges.

b) Stripes of normal and reverse magnetic field observed in rocks of the ocean floor.

c) Distribution of fossils in different continents.

d) Age of rocks from the ocean floor.

Answer. c) Distribution of fossils in different continents.

35. Which one of the following is the type of plate boundary of the Indian plate along the Himalayan mountains?

a) Ocean-continent convergence

b) Divergent boundary

c) Transform boundary

d) Continent-continent convergence

Answer. d) Continent-continent convergence


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