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Account for the evolution of coastal landforms due to the sea-level changes under tropical conditions. ( UPPSC 1996)


Account for the evolution of coastal landforms due to the sea-level changes under tropical conditions. ( UPPSC 1996)

Various types of coastal landforms are evolved along the coast of the sea. In the tropics, climatic factors such as temperature and rainfall play a very active role in the development of coastal landforms. In addition to climate, the development of coastal landforms is responsible for the following activities:
  • Tectonic activities
  • Sediment supplied by river or wave
  • change in sea level [rising or falling of sea level]
  • The action of wave and tidal processes

Changes in sea level play a very active role in shaping coastal landforms, with sea level changes occurring in two ways:
  • Sea ​​level fall
  • Sea ​​level rise
coastal landforms due to the sea-level changes under tropical conditions

Fall of the sea floor:
The following coastal landforms develop in the tropics due to the fall of the sea level:
  • A raised coastline is formed.
  • Raised wave-cut platforms are formed.
  • A new sea rock (cliff reef) is formed.
  • Fossil beaches or new beaches are formed.

Sea level rise:
The rise in sea level leads to the development of the following coastal landforms:
  • The coastal plain gets submerged.
  • Many new islands emerge from the submergence of the sea coast.

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