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Mention the types of weathering and the factors affecting it. (UPPSC 2017)


Mention the types of weathering and the factors affecting it. (UPPSC 2017)

Write explanatory notes on Weathering. ( UPPSC 2004)

Write explanatory notes on Weathering and soil formation. ( 2002) 

Write short notes on the causes and effects of weathering. ( UPPSC 1997)


Weathering is a geomorphic process in which rocks and minerals disintegrate or dissolve on the Earth's surface. In the weathering process, there is little or no movement of the material in the weathering.

Weathering is also the process of soil forming.

weathering and the factors affecting it

Types of Weathering:

Following are the three types of weathering process:

  • Mechanical weathering or physical weathering
  • Chemical weathering
  • Biological weathering

Mechanical Weathering or Physical Weathering:

Physical weathering is a process in which rocks disintegrate without affecting the chemical composition of rocks. Exfoliation, frost weathering, abrasion, and root expansion are some of the processes of physical weathering.

Chemical Weathering:

Chemical weathering is a process in which rocks dissolve through the solution (rocks dissolved in water or acid), carbonation (reaction with carbonates and bicarbonates), hydration (chemical reaction with water), and oxidation (chemical reaction with oxygen) it happens.

Biological Weathering:

Biological weathering is a process in which biological organisms are involved in the weathering process. For example, some plants and animals release special chemicals by which rocks dissolve or break down.

Factors of soil formation and weathering process are the same.

The following factors affect the weathering process:

  • Climate (Temperature and Rainfall)
  • Plant and animal activities
  • Topographical factors (relief, particle size, and rock composition)
  • Time

Climate (Temperature and Rainfall):

Temperature and rainfall are two important components of climate and climate is the most important controlling factor of weathering.

  • Chemical reactions (solution, oxidation, carbonation, etc.) occur at a faster rate in climatic regions with high temperatures and heavy rainfall.
  • Biological actions on weathering also increase in humid climates.
  • A warmer climate enhances the physical weathering process.

For example, 

  • the depth of the weathered mantle is much greater in tropical forests than in desert areas. Because tropical forests have high temperatures and heavy rainfall.
  • Due to the moderate temperature and moderate rainfall in the taiga-podsol region, the depth of the weathered mantle(soils) is greater than in semi-arid or desert regions.

Topographical factors (relief, particle size, and rock composition):

  • In high relief, the force of gravity accelerates the weathering process.
  • Smaller rock sizes are more prone to chemical, physical, and biological weathering.
  • Faulty, composite, and eroded rocks undergo rapid physical weathering such as blight weathering and root extension weathering.
  • Limestone and dolomite rocks are more prone to hydration chemical weathering.

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