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What are non-conventional sources of energy?


What are non-conventional sources of energy? 

(NCERT class 12 geography, India People and Economy, Chapter-7-Mineral and Energy Resources)


Energy resources can be classified into two types-

  • Conventional energy sources
  • Non-conventional energy sources

Conventional sources of energy are those that are not sustainable in use and are exhaustible resources. Fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) and nuclear energy come under conventional sources of energy.

Non-conventional energy sources are sustainable energy sources that are easily replenishable and do not deplete in nature. The following are non-conventional sources of energy:

  • solar energy
  • wind power
  • Hydro energy
  • tidal and wave energy
  • geothermal energy
  • biomass energy

Non-conventional sources of energy are more evenly distributed and more environmentally friendly than conventional sources of energy.

Non-conventional sources of energy are sustainable, eco-friendly, and cheap sources of energy after taking into account the initial cost.

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