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Distinguish between Birth rate and death rate.


Distinguish between Birth rate and death rate.

(Class 12 geography, Fundamentals of Human Geography, Chapter 2. The World Population Distribution, Density, and Growth )


Birth rate and death rate are two out of three components of population changes, the third is migration. Both the birth rate and the death rate are also indicators of the socioeconomic development of an area.

The following are the differences between the birth rate and death rate:

The birth rate is expressed as the crude birth rate which is expressed as the number of live birth of babes per thousand population of the region during a year; whereas the death rate is expressed as the crude death rate which is expressed as the number of death of per thousand of the population of the region during a year.

Crude Birth Rate (CBR)=(children born alive during the year)*(1000)/population of the area in the middle of the year.

Crude death rate (CDR) = (number of deaths during the year) * (1000) / estimated mid-year population of the area.

The birth rate increases the population of a region whereas the death rate decreases the population of a region.

The birth rate is very high in underdeveloped and developing countries like Nigeria and Bangladesh whereas the birth rate is low in developed countries like Japan and Australia.

The difference between the birth rate and death is called the natural growth rate of the population. The population of an area decreases if the death rate is more than the birth rate else the population either increases or remains stagnant.

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22 February 2023 at 12:34 ×

Thank You ☺️.

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...