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Name any three human factors for the location of an industry.


Name any three human factors for the location of an industry.

( Chapter - 6 Manufacturing Industries, Cass X NCERT Contemporary India -II )


Finding an optimum location to set up industries is very difficult. Preference is given to setting up industries at those places where there is a minimum cost of production and maximum profit through proximity to the market.

There are two major factors that affect the location of an industry – physical factors and human factors.

Human factors are those factors that are influenced by humans and human activities.

Following are the three human factors for the location of an industry:

  • access to transportation systems
  • labor availability
  • market

Other human factors for the location of industries are capital, electricity, urbanization, banking, insurance, consultancy, and agglomeration economies.

Access to transport systems like ports, railways, roads, waterways, etc. is very important for the industry as it is impossible to have raw materials and markets in one place. Transport and communication help in the movement of goods and people from raw material sources to industry and from industry to market.

Cheap and skilled labor is required to run industries. Many multinational companies prefer to set up industries where there are cheaper sources of labor, which is why many textile industries from Germany have moved to Bangladesh and Myanmar.

A large population with high purchasing power provides a large market for industrial goods. Hence industries preferred to be located near the market. Europe and North America provide a market for rich people and that is why many industries have been established there. Now the pattern of industrial setup is changing, the number of rich people is increasing in countries like India and China and the market is increasing, so many industries are also shifting to India and China for market access.

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