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Effect of Individual morality on public life | UPPSC ethics paper 2021 solutions


Does individual morality have a bearing effect on the decision of public life? ( 8 marks)  (UPPSC GS paper 4 2021)


Individual morality refers to the personal beliefs, values, and principles that guide a person's decisions, behaviors, and relationships with others. Individual morality is deeply subjective in nature and therefore not necessarily consistent [good] with a society or public interest. Therefore, the effect of individual morality on the decision of public life can be both positive and negative.

Yes, individual morality has bearing effects on the decision of public life in various ways. Following are some facts which tell us the bearing effect of individual morality on public life:

Individual morality set social norms: When a person with high standards of individual morality like values like honesty, integrity, and justice is in the society then he/she elevates the work style in the society and encourages others to follow the same. When a person promotes individual morality such as volunteering and helping others, it has a positive impact on society.

Individual morality establishes Public Trust: A person with high standards of individual morality, such as acting in accordance with moral principles, earns the trust of the public. On the other hand, when individuals engage in corruption and unethical behavior and misuse their power, it leads to a loss of public trust. The individual morality of public servants like bureaucrats and politicians contributes to a great extent to establishing or losing public trust.

Individual morality shapes public opinion: The individual morality of a prominent figure strongly influences public opinion. The way individuals behave and make decisions also affects the people around them. Just as a single fish can contaminate the whole pond, similarly a person with unethical personal morals contaminates society as well.

When individuals act in a morally responsible manner, it creates a more fair, just, and equitable society. On the other hand, when individuals act in unethical ways [or when Individual morality is unethical], it has a negative impact on society and public life. Therefore, it is very important to have public servants with good personal ethics. At the same time, one should be aware of the wider implications of Individual morality in public life.

Therefore, from the above statement, we can say that individual morality has a bearing effect on the decision of public life.  

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