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Evaluate the relevance of "Discipline" in the context of civil service |Ethics | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2018


Evaluate the relevance of "Discipline" in the context of civil service.  ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


Civil servants are public officials who are working under the government and have rights and responsibilities related to the administration of government policies and programs. So, they need to maintain high degrees of professionalism, integrity, and accountability. For executing these responsibilities, discipline plays an important role.

Discipline means strict adherence to established laws, procedures, regulations, and orders from higher authorities. For example, if you come to the office on time, perform your work on time and go home on time, and do not use any foul language in your work, then this quality refers to your discipline.

The following are the relevance of discipline in the context of civil services-

Discipline is necessary to ensure that public servants adhere to the rules and regulations related to their conduct. Therefore, it helps to ensure that civil servants maintain high standards of professionalism, integrity, and accountability in the performance of their duties.

The discipline of public servants helps uphold the trust and dignity of the organizations where they serve. Because it gives a positive message to society.

The discipline of public servants helps them to become role model as the common public follow them.

Civil servants who are disciplined in their work are more likely to be effective, efficient, and responsive to the needs of the public. Therefore, it helps to prevent corruption, inefficiency, and misconduct.

However, discipline can be bad for civil servants, in case they adhere to the rules, regulations, or orders from higher authorities, that work against the interest of the public. Discipline is not blindly following the rules and established procedures but to adhering high ethical standards in line with democratic and ethical principles. 

In conclusion, discipline is essential in the context of civil service as it helps civil servants maintain high standards of professionalism, integrity, accountability, and building trust that helps in ethical and good governance.

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