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Examine the relevance of "transparency" in the context of civil services. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2019


Examine the relevance of "transparency" in the context of civil services. (UPPSC 2019)


Transparency in the context of civil services refers to the openness and accessibility of information regarding the functionalities of government institutions or public servants. The following are some relevance of transparency in the context of civil services-

Ensuring Accountability; Transparency is essential for holding civil servants accountable for their actions, decisions, and use of public resources. Accountability of civil servants can not be ensured without transparency. Transparency helps to ensure whether civil servants are acting in the best interests of the public or not. 

People participation; Transparency in governance ensure the people's participation. People participate in governance through information access, feedback, inputs, etc.

Building trust; Civil servants who are transparent in working are usually more honest in decision-making. Transparency also empowers citizens to check the correctness( truthfulness) of decision-making. Transparency promotes civil servants to be open and honest about decision-making. This help to foster a sense of legitimacy and credibility for civil services among people; it helps to build trust between civil servants and the public.

Efficiency; Transparency in information reduces duplication, and improves coordination, accountability, and efficient utilization of resources.

Prevention of Corruption; Transparency helps to expose corruption, inefficient behavior, and irregularities in decision-making; so transparency help to deter corruption.

In conclusion, we can say, Transparency has a vital role in good governance and integrity of civil services as it helps in accountability, efficiency, people participation, and prevention of corruption.

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