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Factors which influence the formation of an individual's attitude towards social problems | UPPSC ethics paper 2021 solutions


 Discuss the factors which influence the formation of an individual's attitude toward social problems with help of suitable examples. 

(UPPSC GS paper 4 2021)

What factors affect the formation of a person's attitude toward social problems? Support your answer with examples. (UPPSC 2019)


Individual attitudes refer to a person's beliefs, values, and principles about what is right and wrong, good and bad, and just and unjust. Society is made up of people and individual attitudes play an important role in solving social problems.

Many factors influence the formation of personal attitudes toward social problems, some of the important factors are as follows-

  • Socialization
  • personal value
  • Personal experience
  • Education
  • culture and religion
  • Social Impact
  • media and social media

Socialization; Socialization refers to learning social norms, values, and beliefs from the people around us; for example, from our mother, we learn compassion and hard work. if a person grows up in a family where that values gender equality, they may have a positive attitude towards social problems like gender equality and would be against gender-based discrimination and gender violence.

Personal Values: Personal attitudes are largely formed by personal values such as morals and beliefs which have a significant impact on the formation of personal attitudes towards social problems. For example, a person whose personal values justify gender equality will have a negative attitude towards female discrimination which will help in the empowerment of women in society.

Personal Experience: Personal attitude is also shaped through personal experience. For example, I have personal experience with poverty and this experience helps me to empathize with poor people and inspires me to eradicate poverty in society.

Education: Through formal or informal education, a person is exposed to social problems, which helps him to know many aspects. For example, from the tribal point of view, big dams are harmful to them because the basis of their survival, which is land and forest, both get destroyed. Therefore, education affects the formation of a person's attitude toward social problems.

Culture and Religion: Culture and religion influence the formation of individual attitudes. For example, "Vasudeva Kutumbakam" tells us that the whole earth is our family, it helps in tolerance towards not only humans of other socio-cultures but all living beings. It will help in getting rid of many ongoing social problems like religious violence and intolerance.

Social Influence: Personal attitudes are formed by social networks such as friends, family, relatives, and so on. For example, if my friend has a negative attitude toward social problems such as inequality, it is more likely that I will also have a negative personal attitude toward inequality.

Media and Social Media: Social media, the film industry, TV shows, and news outlets help in the formation of positive or negative attitudes toward social issues. For example, media coverage about rape can help in the formation of negative personal attitudes towards rape.

In summary, we can say that individual attitudes toward social problems are shaped by various factors such as personal values, personal experiences, education, social influences, and media.

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