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Present in brief the necessary fundamental values of civil servants. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2020


Present in brief the necessary fundamental values of civil servants. (UPPSC 2020)


Civil servants are an integral part of the administration in India. Civil servants are responsible for implementing the policies and programs of the government. Civil servants play a critical role in promoting good governance and ensuring the delivery of services efficiently and effectively. The following are some fundamental values of civil servants that help in executing responsibilities-

  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Accountability
  • Aptitude
  • Transparency
  • Tolerance
  • Compassion
  • Dedication


Integrity; Civil servants must be honest in their thought, actions, and decision-making; and must hold the highest standard of ethical values to avoid any unethical behaviors and conflicts of interest.

Impartiality; Civil servants must be impartial and free from biased in decision-making. Impartiality in civil servants helps them to provide social justice and established non-discrimination.

 Accountability; Civil servants must be answerable to their boss and to the public for their actions and conduct.

Aptitude;  Civil servants need some aptitude like analytical and critical thinking, effective communication, etc to deliver public services.

Transparency; Civil servants must be transparent in their decision-making in order to prevent corruption and establish public trust.

Tolerance; Civil servants must be tolerant towards all society despite the difference in belief and thought, this help to solve the problem of the weaker section, and keep unity and a healthy work environment.

Compassion; Compassion values of civil servants help to empathize with the suffering and especially to weaker sections and try to alleviate their problems.

Dedication; Civil servants must be committed to serving the public interest and improving the quality of citizens. Dedication helps civil servants to complete assigned tasks timely and efficient.

In conclusion, we can say some fundamental values of civil servants are integrity, impartiality, aptitude, tolerance, compassion, and dedication which can promote good governance and delivery quality of public services.

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