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Suggest some innovative measures to tackle this menace. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2019


We are witnessing increasing instances of sexual violence against women in the country. Despite legal provisions against it, the number of such incidences is increasing. Suggest some innovative measures to tackle this menace. (UPPSC 2019)


We are witnessing increasing instances of sexual violence against women in the country is a very unpleasant event that needs to be stopped. As it is complex problem that requires a multifaceted approach. Here are some innovative measures to tackle this menace -

Use of technology; Technology can be used to increase the safety of women. For example, mobile apps that allow women to share their location with police and family can alert them in case of an emergency. We should encourage the use of such apps.

Self-defense; Women can also be trained in self-defense techniques. For example, pepper spray can be used.

Monitoring activities; Use of CCTV cameras and patrolling can be used to monitor the activities in areas where sexual violence is prevalent.

Patriarchal societal attitude and stereotype; Sexual violence is often rooted in a patriarchal society. An effort needs to make to change patriarchal attitudes through education and awareness. There is a stereotype about women that women are weak and they are not suitable for some work, because of this stereotype, they face violence when they do certain work that is not accepted by society.

In conclusion, we can say some innovative solutions to tackle the issue of sexual violence include the use of technology, training in self-defense, monitoring of activities, and changing patriarchal societal attitudes towards women.

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