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What are the circumstances which create suspicion about an officer's integrity? | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2022


What are the circumstances which create suspicion about an officer's integrity? (UPPSC 2022)


Integrity is a moral quality and it means "firm faith in the truth", a person with integrity is honest (ethical) in his actions and thoughts and performs his actions very sensitively. It is the quality of being honest, trustworthy, and reliable; and necessary for civil servants to effectively discharge their duties and responsibilities, maintain public confidence, and uphold the principles of good governance. Integrity builds a person's trust and makes social relations permanent.


There are many circumstances that raise doubts about the integrity of an officer, here are some examples of such situations:

Involved in wrongdoings; If we receive concrete evidence that an officer has engaged in wrongdoing, such as corrupt conduct, using excessive force, willful disobedience of the law, or falsifying reports, this raises doubts about their integrity.

Lack of transparency in work; If the officer's conduct is not transparent and there is little interest in officer accountability, it raises suspicions about unethical or illegal conduct that raises doubts about an officer's integrity.

Past Disciplinary Actions – If an officer has a history of disciplinary action for misconduct, it raises doubts about the integrity of the officer.

Inappropriate behavior; If an officer makes disparaging remarks or unprofessional behavior toward a co-worker or others, it casts doubt on the officer's integrity.

Not completing the work on time; If the officer is failing to perform his duty on time or repeatedly commits mistakes, it raises doubts about the integrity of the officer.

Conflict of interest; If the officer's conduct or relationship with the victim or acts on financial interest, it raises doubts about the officer's integrity.

Favoritism: The integrity of officials becomes questionable when they show favoritism towards particular individuals or particular groups. It is the responsibility of the government official to do it impartially.

Hence, we can say that doubts about the integrity of an officer can arise from a number of factors such as his behavior, actions, and history. It is very important for officials to maintain a high level of integrity in order to avoid raising suspicion or damaging public trust.

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