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What is the probity? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in governance. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2020


What is the probity? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in governance. (UPPSC 2020)


Probity refers to the quality of having honest, transparent, and keeping the highest ethical standards in public life. In governance, probity means adherence to high ethical standards and integrity in public services.

The philosophical basis of probity in governance is deeply rooted in the concept of accountability, transparency, and people participation. The following is the philosophical basis of probity in governance-

Accountability: Probity in governance help civil servants be answerable for their conduct to the public, so it helps in accountability.

Transparency: Probity in governance help in the transparent functioning of institutions and the openness of information for the public. So, probity helps in transparency.

The courage of conviction: Probity in governance helps civil servants to be willing to accept responsibility for any mistake or wrongdoing; it also help civil servants to ensure justice for weaker section despite the pressure they received from powerful people.

Public trust; Probity in governance helps civil servants to promote public trust in government institutions and foster good governance.

In conclusion, we can say probity is the fundamental principle of governance that emphasizes the importance of maintaining high ethical standards and integrity that help accountability and the common good. It promotes good governance, and public trust, and upholds the values of justice, fairness, and transparency.

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