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What probable explanations can be given for Meenu's conduct? Justify psychologically | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2019


Meenu keeps telling her friends that she is fond of social service. Her friends notice that she, however, does not participate in any social welfare activities. One of her friend's father is associated with a non-governmental organization( NGO) and he frequently organizes social welfare activities such as the free distribution of clothes and medicines to the poor segments of society. Meenu's friends asked her many times to contribute some time to the NGO Meenu showed no interest.

What probable explanations can be given for Meenu's conduct? Justify psychologically.


In the above-mentioned context, the following possible explanations can be given for the conduct of Meenu-

Preference for other goals: Meenu may have the desire to participate in social welfare activities, but she would still want to achieve other goals such as becoming an IAS or passing a particular examination. So she will not be able to adjust the time for social services, when she achieves her goal, she can later join social welfare activities.

Social fear or fear of creating a meaningful effect; Meenu could have to avoid participating in social welfare activities because she may be afraid of failure or she would suspect her own ability and whether she will be successful in making a meaningful impact in society.

Can resort to exaggeration to present her own positive values - Meenu will not really be interested in social services, but she keeps telling her positive social behavior with friends that she is very fond of social service.

Lack of empathy; Meenu may have sympathy but lack empathy for the poor and deprived sections of society and will not feel compelled to help them.

Finally, some psychological perspectives have been provided to understand the above explanation of Meenu's conduct. However, there can be many reasons for this why individuals avoid participating in social welfare activities.

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