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Discuss and evaluate the relevance of "Impartiality" in the context of the Civil Service. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2018


Discuss and evaluate the relevance of "Impartiality" in the context of the Civil Service

 ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


Impartiality refers to the quality of being unbiased, fair, and objective in decision-making and the execution of duties. 

Civil servants are expected to act impartially and serve the public interest without being influenced by personal, political, or other external factors. 

The relevance of impartiality in civil services can be evaluated in the following ways-

Ensuring fairness and social welfare: The impartiality value of civil servants help in upholding constitutional value such as equality of law, and social, political, and economic equality. It ensures that all citizens are treated fairly and equally. 

Building public trust; When citizens perceive that civil servants are acting impartially and serving the public interest, they are more likely to trust the government and comply with policies and regulations.

Enhancing accountability and transparency; Impartiality is necessary for maintaining accountability in civil services. Impartiality holds civil servants responsible for any breaches of trust or abuse of power.

Promoting professionalism; Impartiality promotes professionalism in civil servants as it maintains a high standard of conduct and works ethically, with impartiality.

However, impartiality in civil services can also be challenging practice as civil servants may face pressure from politicians, interest groups, or external factors. In some cases, civil servants may hold personal biases or prejudices that can influence their decision-making.

In conclusion, impartiality plays a key role in civil services as it ensures fairness, builds public trust, enhances accountability, and promotes professionalism.

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