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What is TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council), give its mandate. Enlist the upcoming technologies in India by 2020 in the I.T. sector. । UPPSC General Studies-III Mains Solutions 2018


What is TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council), give its mandate. Enlist the upcoming technologies in India by 2020 in the I.T. sector.

 (UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-III/GS-3 2018)


The Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council ( TIFAC) is an autonomous organization under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. It was set in 1988. Its primary mandate is to assess the technological requirements of various sectors, forecast technological trends, and provide policy recommendations to promote technology development and adoption in India.

The following are the roles of TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council):

Technology Forecasting: 

The TIFAC council conducts studies and analyses to identify emerging technologies and forecast their potential impact on various sectors of the Indian economy.

Technology Assessment:

This council assesses the technological capabilities and requirements of different sectors to identify gaps and suggests strategies for technology development and deployment.

Technological Transfer and Commercialization:

This council facilitates the transfer of technologies developed in academic and research institutes to industries for commercialization and societal benefit.

Technology Policy and Advocacy:

This council formulates policy recommendations and strategies to promote technology development, innovation, and adoption in India. It also promotes collaborations between industry, academia, and government agencies to foster technological growth.

 Recently, TIFAC has launched two new initiatives- SAKSHAM ( Shramik Shakti Manch) job portal and Seaweed Mission:

SAKSHAM job portal:

It is an India web portal, that provides information regarding requirements of skills and vacancies in micro, small, and Medium enterprises, and other Industries all across the country. It will facilitate the creation of 10 lakh blue-collar jobs.

Seaweeds Mission:

Seaweed cultivation is done in an exclusive economic zone, which has high demand globally for food, industry, medicine, and energy. India's share of the global production of seaweed is less than 0.5 %, while China produces 57 % of global seaweed. 

India has great potential for the commercial farming of seaweeds due to the vast availability of exclusive economic zone.


Regarding the upcoming technologies in the information technology sector in India by 2020:

Artificial Intelligence ( AI) and Machine Learning ( ML): 

Artificial Intelligence ( AI) and Machine Learning ( ML) were anticipated to play a crucial role in various sectors of the economy like industries, healthcare, finance, agriculture, and e-commerce. 

These technologies drive automation, data analytics, and personalized services.

Internet of Things (IoT): 

IoT will enable connectivity and communication between various devices and systems, leading to smart homes, smart cities, and improved industrial automation.

Cloud computing: 

Cloud-based services and infrastructure were expected to grow rapidly, allowing organizations to leverage scalable computing power, storage, and software applications, reducing costs, and enhancing efficiency.


Due to growing digitalization in the country, technologies related to network security, data protection, encryption, and antivirus were expected to gain prominence.



The distributed ledger technology, blockchain, was anticipated to find applications beyond cryptocurrencies, including areas like supply chain management, financial services, and governance, enhancing transparency, and trust.


Augmented Reality ( AR and Virtual Reality (VR):

There will be a revolution in applications like gaming, education, real estate, and healthcare by using AR and VR technology.

Big Data Analytics:

Big Data Analytics technology enables the process of a large volume of data which will help in decision-making, personalized marketing, and predictive analytics in various industries.

In conclusion, TIFAC (Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council) has the very prominent aim to drive technological advancement in the countries, however, the success of the council lies in the steps taken to make it a reality.

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