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Name the major physical divisions of India. | Class 6- The Earth: Our Habitat ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE


Name the major physical divisions of India.

( Chapter 7: Our Country – India, Class 6- The Earth: Our Habitat ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE)


India has very diverse physical features like mountains, plateaus, plains, coasts, and islands. Based on the physical homogeneity, India has been divided into six major physical divisions namely:

  • Himalayas ( Northern Mountains)
  • Northern plains ( Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain)
  • Great Indian Desert( the Thar Desert)
  • Peninsular Plateau
  • Coastal plains
  • Islands

The Northern Mountains: 

The Northern Mountains include the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range, and the Trans-Himalayan region. The Himalayas has three ranges-Great Himalayas range, the Middle Himalayan (Himachal) range, and the Shiwalik range.

The Northern Plains ( or Indo-Gangetic-Brahmaputra Plain): 

It is a vast, fertile plain formed by the Indus and Ganges rivers.

The Great Indian Thar Desert: 

It is located in the northwestern part of India, near the border with Pakistan.

The Peninsular Plateau: 

Peninsular Plateau is a large plateau region in the southern part of India, including the Deccan Plateau.

It is bordered by the Western Ghats on the western side, the Eastern Ghats on the eastern side, the northern plains on the northern side, and the Indian Ocean on the southern side.

Coastal Plains: 

Coastal plains are located on eastern ( Bay of Bengal) and western shores ( Arabian Sea).


India has two major groups of islands namely the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal and the Lakshadweep Islands in the Arabian Sea.

These physical divisions contribute to India's diverse geography and climate.

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