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Quality of Civil services- Neutrality, Accountability, Transparency, Impartiality, Probity Spirit of Service

 Table of Contents:

  • Quality of Civil services
  • "The traditional quality of Civil services has been Neutrality", explain it. ( UPPSC 2019)
  • Discuss and evaluate the relevance of "Integrity" in the context of the Civil Service. (UPPSC GS paper 4 2021)
  • What is the basic requirement of compassion? What is the need for compassion towards the weaker section in civil services? (UPPSC 2022)
  • Describe the relevance of "Dedication" in the context of civil servants. (UPPSC 2022)
  • Discuss "Impartiality" in the context of civil services.  (UPPSC 2020)
  • What is the probity? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in governance. (UPPSC 2020)
  • Which of the five principles of the code of conduct will be given priority by you and why? discuss. (UPPSC 2020)
  • Present in brief the necessary fundamental values of civil servants. (UPPSC 2020)
  • Examine the relevance of "accountability" in the context of civil services. (UPPSC 2019)
  • Evaluate the relevance of the "Spirit of service" in the context of civil service.  ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)
  • Evaluate the relevance of "Discipline" in the context of civil service.  ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)

Quality of Civil Services:

Civil services refer to the government administrative bodies and the individuals who work in them. These services are responsible for implementing and executing government policies, programs, and services at various levels, such as federal, state, or local.

The roles of civil servants can be diverse and cover a wide range of areas, including education, health, finance, transportation, law enforcement, and many more. They play a crucial role in the functioning of governments and are instrumental in ensuring the delivery of public services and the implementation of laws and regulations.

The quality of civil services is a crucial factor in the effectiveness and efficiency of government operations, as well as in the overall governance of a country. The quality of civil services can vary depending on factors such as the efficiency and effectiveness of government institutions, the training and competency of civil servants, the level of corruption, and the overall governance framework. 

Many countries strive to improve their civil services to ensure they are responsive, transparent, and accountable to the needs of their citizens. Efforts are often made to enhance professionalism, streamline processes, and promote merit-based recruitment to ensure a high standard of service delivery. 

Some prominent qualities of civil services are as follows:

  • Neutrality
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Impartiality
  • Probity
  • Spirit of Service

The following are some solved questions related to these qualities of civil services.


"The traditional quality of Civil services has been Neutrality", explain it.

( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-II/GS-2 2019)


The statement that "the traditional quality of the civil services has been neutrality" refers to the principle of impartiality and objectivity in the civil service, which civil servants are expected to uphold in their roles as government officials. This principle is considered to be one of the fundamental features of the civil service system in democratic countries.

Neutrality in civil services means that civil servants are expected to carry out their duties and responsibilities without any undue influence of bias, favoritism, or political or other external pressures. They aim to be neutral and independent in their decision-making, treating all citizens and stakeholders fairly and equitably.

Key aspects of the traditional quality of neutrality in civil services include:

Political Neutrality:

Civil servants are expected to remain politically neutral and refrain from participating in partisan politics or showing any affiliation with political parties. They serve the government of the day and provide continuity in governance, regardless of any political party in power.

Fairness in Service Delivery:

Civil servants are required to provide public services and implement government policies without any discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, gender, or other personal characteristics. They should treat all citizens fairly and without any prejudice.

Merit-Based Selection and Promotion:

Recruitment and promotion processes within the civil service are designed to be based on merit, ability, and competence rather than on political patronage or favoritism.

Rule of Law:

Civil servants are expected to uphold the rule of law and work within a legal framework without letting personal beliefs or preferences influence their actions.

Protection from political pressure:

Civil servants should have job security and protection from arbitrary dismissal or transfer to ensure that they can perform their duties independently, free from undue political interference.

Privacy and Discretion:

Civil servants are required to maintain confidentiality and exercise discretion in handling sensitive information and policy matters.

The traditional virtue of neutrality in civil services is important for maintaining the efficiency, effectiveness, and credibility of the administrative system. It ensures that civil servants serve the larger public interest and work towards the welfare of the citizens and the nation as a whole, rather than serving narrow vested interests. However, it is necessary to acknowledge that achieving complete neutrality in practice can be challenging, and real-world situations can sometimes present dilemmas to civil servants when balancing competing interests. Nonetheless, the principle of neutrality remains a fundamental ideal in the functioning of civil services in democratic societies.


Discuss and evaluate the relevance of "Integrity" in the context of the Civil Service. (UPPSC GS paper 4 2021



What is the basic requirement of compassion? What is the need for compassion towards the weaker section in civil services? (UPPSC 2022)



Describe the relevance of "Dedication" in the context of civil servants. (UPPSC 2022)



Discuss "Impartiality" in the context of civil services.  (UPPSC 2020)



What is the probity? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in governance. (UPPSC 2020)



Which of the five principles of the code of conduct will be given priority by you and why? discuss. (UPPSC 2020)



Present in brief the necessary fundamental values of civil servants. (UPPSC 2020)



Examine the relevance of "accountability" in the context of civil services. (UPPSC 2019)



Evaluate the relevance of the "Spirit of service" in the context of civil service.  ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)



Evaluate the relevance of "Discipline" in the context of civil service.  ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


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