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What is meant by the ‘Solar System’? | Our Habitat ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE


What is meant by the ‘Solar System’?

( Chapter 1: The Earth in the Solar System, Class 6- The Earth: Our Habitat ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE)


Sun and its family are called the solar system. The solar system includes our Sun (which is a star) and all the celestial bodies that revolve around the sun due to its(sun) gravity.

These celestial bodies primarily consist of:


Planets are major celestial bodies in the solar system that orbit the Sun. There are eight recognized planets in our solar system, including Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Dwarf Planets: 

The celestial bodies like Pluto, Eris, and Haumea share some characteristics with planets but are smaller and are not considered full-fledged planets by some definitions.

Moon (Natural Satellites): 

Natural satellites are small celestial bodies that orbit planets. For example, Moon is a natural satellite of Earth.


Small rocky objects mostly orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt, which is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


Icy celestial bodies have highly elliptical orbits and often shine tails when they reach near the Sun.

Meteoroids and Meteorites: 

Meteoroids and Meteorites are smaller rocks or metal fragments. When these rocks enter the Earth's atmosphere, we called them meteoroids. When they reach the surface of the earth, we called them meteorites.

Meteorites are small rocks or pieces of metal, which sometimes enter the atmosphere of the Earth, then the atmosphere of the atmosphere is heated and burnt. Sometimes a meteorite falls on the surface of the earth without burning, then a pit is formed on the ground. Lonar reservoir ( lake) of Maharashtra is made up of meteorites falling

All these celestial bodies are gravitationally bound to the Sun and collectively make up our solar system. The Sun's gravity is the dominant force that keeps these celestial bodies in orbit around it. 

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