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Revolutionary Philosophy of Bhagat Singh | Contribution of Bhagat Singh in Indian Freedom Struggle

 Table of Contents:

  • About Bhagat Singh
  • Contribution of Bhagat Singh in Indian Freedom Struggle
  • Throw light on the "Revolutionary Philosophy" formulated by Bhagat Singh. ( UPPSC 2022)

About Bhagat:

Bhagat Singh was born on September 28, 1907, and became known for his acts of protest and resistance against British oppression.

Bhagat Singh was born in Banga, Punjab, which is now in Pakistan. He came from a Sikh family with a history of political activism.

Contribution of Bhagat Singh in Indian Freedom Struggle:

Bhagat Singh was a prominent Indian freedom fighter who played a crucial role in the country's struggle for independence from British colonial rule. 

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre:

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919 deeply influenced Bhagat Singh and fueled his desire for India's independence. He was just 12 years old at the time.

Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA): 

Bhagat Singh joined the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, a revolutionary organization that advocated armed struggle against the British.

Assembly Bombing: 

He and his associates threw non-lethal bombs at the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi in 1929 to protest repressive laws. They courted arrest but used the trial as a platform to spread their message.

Hunger Strike: 

While in prison, Bhagat Singh and his fellow revolutionaries went on a hunger strike to demand better treatment for political prisoners.


On March 23, 1931, Bhagat Singh, along with Rajguru and Sukhdev, was executed by hanging in Lahore Central Jail. Their sacrifice became a symbol of resistance against British rule.


Bhagat Singh is remembered as a national hero and a martyr for his unwavering commitment to India's freedom struggle. His life and ideals continue to inspire generations of Indians.

Bhagat Singh's actions and writings continue to be a source of inspiration for those advocating for justice, freedom, and equality in India and around the world.


Throw light on the "Revolutionary Philosophy" formulated by Bhagat Singh.

(UPPSC Mains General Studies-I/GS- 2022)


Bhagat Singh, a prominent Indian freedom fighter and martyr, was deeply committed to the cause of India's independence from British colonial rule. While he didn't formulate a formal "Revolutionary Philosophy," his actions, writings, and speeches reflected a set of principles and beliefs that can be termed revolutionary in nature.

Here are some key aspects of Bhagat Singh's revolutionary philosophy:

Atheism and Secularism: 

Bhagat Singh was an atheist and believed in the separation of religion from politics. He emphasized that the struggle for independence should be based on secular and rational principles to unite people of all faiths.

Non-Violence vs. Violence: 

Bhagat Singh initially believed in Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence but later adopted a more militant approach. He believed that non-violence had its limitations and that more aggressive means were necessary to shake the British rule.

Socialism and Equality: 

Bhagat Singh was deeply influenced by socialist and communist ideologies. He advocated for the redistribution of wealth, land reforms, and economic equality. He believed that independence should lead to a just and egalitarian society.

Youth Empowerment: 

Bhagat Singh believed in the power of the youth in achieving social and political change. He encouraged young people to join the struggle for independence and take a proactive role in shaping the future of India.

Secular Nationalism: 

He envisioned a secular and inclusive India where people from all backgrounds would have equal rights and opportunities. He opposed any form of communalism or religious discrimination.

Revolutionary Violence: 

Bhagat Singh, along with his associates, engaged in acts of violence against British officials to draw attention to the oppressive colonial regime. He believed in the strategic use of force as a means to awaken the masses and challenge British authority.

Sacrifice and Martyrdom: 

Bhagat Singh and his comrades were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of independence. They believed that their martyrdom would inspire others to continue the struggle.

Democratic Principles: 

Despite advocating armed struggle, Bhagat Singh upheld democratic principles. He believed that true democracy could only flourish in an independent India where the people had the power to shape their own destiny.

Bhagat Singh's revolutionary philosophy was a blend of socialism, secularism, anti-colonialism, and a commitment to the welfare and empowerment of the common people. His actions and writings continue to inspire generations of Indians in their pursuit of justice, freedom, and equality.

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