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MCQs on Ocean Currents | Quiz and Multiple choice of question and answer

 1. Which of the following is not cold ocean currents? ( UPPSC 2017)

a) the Canaries

b) Humboldt

c) Oyashio

d) Agulhas

Answer. D. Agulhas.

Agulhas Current is on the eastern side of Africa.

Canaries current is cold current and it is near Morrocco.

Humboldt current is a cold current and it is on the Peru side.

Oyashio is cold current and it is Japan Side.

2. Which of the following is not a cold ocean current?

a) California 

b) Labrador

c) Norweign current

d) East Greenland's current

Answer. c) Norweign current is a warm current.

California current is a cold current that flows in the western side of the United States of America.

Labrador Ocean current that flows between Canada and Greenland

3. Which of the following is not a Cold current?

a) Humboldt current

b) Canary Current

c) Benguela current

d) Mozambique current

Answer. d) Mozambique current is a warm current of the Indian Ocean

Humboldt current is also known as Peru current, which is a cold current of the Pacific Ocean.

Canary current is a cold current of the Atlantic Ocean that flows on the coast of North West Africa.

Benguela ocean current is a cold ocean current of the Atlantic that flows on south west coast of Africa.

4. Which of the following is not a Warm ocean current?

a) Oyashio current

b) Kuroshio current

c) Alaska Current

d) Gulf stream

Answer. a) Oyashio current is a cold current that flows towards Japan from the eastern coast of Russia.

5. Which of the following is not a Warm Ocean current?

a) Eastern Australian current

b) Western Australian Current

c) Brazil Current

d) Agulhas current

Answer. b) Western Australian current is a cold ocean current

6. Which of the following is Not an Indian Ocean current?

a) Agulhas current

b) Mozambique current

c) West Australian Current

d) Benguela current

Answer. d) Benguela current is a South Atlantic ocean current.

7. Which of the following is  NOT an Atlantic ocean current?

a) Labrador Current

b) Gulf stream

c) Canary current

d) Humboldt current

Answer. d) Humboldt current is the Pacific Ocean current

8. Which of the following is NOT a Pacific Ocean current?

a) Alaska's current

b) Oyashio's current

c) Kuroshio current

d) Benguela Current

Answer. d) Benguela Current

9. Which of the following ocean currents is associated with the Indian Ocean? ( UPPSC 2020)

a) Florida's Current

b) Canary current

c) Agulhas current

d) Kurile current

Answer. c;

Agulhas flows in the eastern part of the African continent near South Africa.

Florida and canary currents are in the Atlantic Ocean and Kurile or Oyashio current is in the Pacific Ocean near Japan.

10. Consider the following factors: ( UPSC 2012)

1. Rotation of the Earth

2. Air pressure and wind

3. Density of ocean water

4. Revolution of the Earth

Which of the above factors influences the ocean currents?

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 1, 2 and 3

c) 1 and 4

d) 2, 3 and 4

Answer. b)

11. The most important fishing grounds of the world are found in the regions where ( UPSC 2013)

a) Warm and cold atmospheric currents meet

b) Rivers drain out large amounts of freshwater into the sea

c) Warm and cold oceanic currents meet

d) Continental shelf is undulating

Answer. c)

12. What explains the eastward flow of the equatorial counter-current? ( UPSC 2015)

a) The Earth's rotation on its axis

b) Convergence of the two equatorial currents

c) Difference in salinity of the water

d) Occurrence of the belt of calm near the equator

Answer. a) The Earth's rotation on its axis


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