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MCQs on Types of Farming | QUIZ and Objective types of Questions

1. The science and art of cultivation on the soil, raising crops, and rearing livestock, is called?

a) Agriculture

b) Sericulture

c) Pisciculture

d) Viticulture

Answer. a) Agriculture

2. Commercial rearing of silkworms is called?

a) Horticulture

b) Sericulture

c) Pisciculture

d) Viticulture

Answer. b) Sericulture

3. Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds is called?

a) Horticulture

b) Sericulture

c) Pisciculture

d) Viticulture

Answer. c) Pisciculture

4. Cultivation of grapes is called?

a) Horticulture

b) Sericulture

c) Pisciculture

d) Viticulture

Answer. d) Viticulture

5. Growing vegetables, flowers, and fruits for commercial use is called?

a) Horticulture

b) Sericulture

c) Pisciculture

d) Viticulture

Answer. a) Horticulture

6. Scientific management of Honey bees for commercial production of honey is known as? ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Sericulture

b) Lac culture

c) Mariculture

d) Apiculture

Answer. d) Apiculture

7. Match the following

List I ( Cultivation of)

A.  Grapes

B.  Fish

C. Silkworms

D.  field crop production and soil management

List II ( Known as)

1. Agronomy

2. Sericulture

3. Pisciculture

4. Viticulture


        A    B    C    D

a)    1    2    3    4

b)    2    1    4    3

c)    2    1    3    4

d)    4    3    2    1

Answer. d)    4    3    2    1

8. Which one of the following is produced through Viticulture

a) Silk

b) Earthworm

c) Honey

d) Grapes

Answer. d) Grapes;

Viticulture is the science and practice of grape cultivation, specifically to produce grapes for winemaking. It encompasses all aspects of grapevine cultivation, from selecting and planting the grapevines to managing the vineyard, harvesting the grapes, and ultimately making wine.

9. In Vermiculture, the worm used is

a) Tapeworm

b) Silkworm

c) Threadworm

d) Earthworm

Answer. d) Earthworm;

Vermiculture is the practice of using earthworms to break down organic matter, such as food scraps and other organic waste, into nutrient-rich compost through a process called vermicomposting. Vermiculture is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to recycle organic waste and produce high-quality compost for gardening and agriculture.

10. What is hydroponics?

a) Growing plants without soil

b) Grafting plant

c) Study of vegetables

d) Soil conservation

Answer. a) Growing plants without soil;

11. Monoculture is a typical characteristic of- ( UPPSC PYQ)

a) Shifting cultivation

b) Subsistence farming

c) Specialized horticulture

d) Commercial grain farming

Answer. d) Commercial grain farming

12. Which one of the following describes a system of agriculture where a single crop is grown in a large area?

a) Shifting Agriculture

b) Plantation Agriculture

c) Horticulture

d) Intensive Agriculture

Answer. b) Plantation Agriculture

13. In the world, Viticulture, Horticulture, and sericulture are well developed in the ------

a) Monsoon region

b) Tropical highland

c) Mediterranean region

d) Savanna region

Answer. c) Mediterranean region

14. Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given  below:

            List I                        List II

A. Aquaculture            1. Silk

B. Floriculture            2. Grapes

C. Sericulture              3. Flower

D. Viticulture            4. Fish


        A    B    C    D

a)    1    2    3    4

b)    4    3    1    2

c)    4    3    2    1

d)    4    2    3    1

Answer. b)    4    3    1    2

15. Which of the following types of farming, organic manure, and natural pesticides are used instead of chemicals. No genetic modification is done to increase the yield of the crop.

a) Subsistence farming

b) Commercial farming

c) Organic farming

d) Zero-budget farming

Answer. c) Organic farming

16. The farming method practiced to meet the needs of the farmer’s family, is called?

a) Subsistence farming

b) Commercial farming

c) Organic farming

d) intensive subsistence agriculture

Answer. a) Subsistence farming

17. The farming system in which the farmer cultivates a small plot of land using simple tools and more labor is called?

a) Subsistence farming

b) Primitive subsistence agriculture

c) Organic farming

d) intensive subsistence agriculture

Answer. d) intensive subsistence agriculture

18. Shifting cultivation and nomadic herding farm systems are categorized in which of the following farm systems?

a) Subsistence farming

b) Primitive subsistence agriculture

c) Mixed farming

d) intensive subsistence agriculture

Answer. b) Primitive subsistence agriculture


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