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When was India's first National Action Plan on Climate Change released?

When was India's first National Action Plan on Climate Change released?

a) 2000

b) 2008

c) 2012

d) 2015

Answer. b) 2008

National Action Plan on Climate Change ( NAPCC):

India's first National Action Plan on Climate Change ( NAPCC) was released on 30th June 2008. This mission has eight pillars, which include:

  • National Solar Mission.
  • National Water Mission.
  • National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem.
  • National Mission for a Green India.
  • National Mission for Sustainable Habitat.
  • National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture.
  • National Mission for Strategic Knowledge on Climate Change.
  • National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency.

 UNFCC-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:

  • UNFCC was established in 1992 from the Rio Earth Summit.
  • It came into force on 21 March 1994.

Kyoto Protocol:

The Kyoto Protocol is related to climate change.

It was established in 1997 at the COP5 summit and enforced in 2005.

As per the Kyoto Protocol, there are six Green House Gases, namely-

  • Carbon Dioxide ( Co2)
  • Methane ( Ch4)
  • SF6 ( Sulfure Hexa Fluoride)
  • Nitrous Oxide ( N2O)
  • Hydro Chlorofluoro Carbons ( HFC)
  • Perfluorocarbons ( PFC)

Water vapor, Ozone, and Infrared also show greenhouse gas impact but they are not included in greenhouse gases.

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