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Which of the following is not true about the ecosystem?

 Which of the following is not true about the ecosystem?

a) It represents all living organisms and the physical environment in any given space-time unit

b) It is a functional unit

c) It has its own productivity

d) It is a closed system

Answer. d) It is a closed system

The ecosystem is an open system as sun energy comes from outside and also some energy goes outside of the ecosystem boundary.


The word Ecosystem was first coined by Sir Arthur G. Tansley in 1935.

An ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of nature where the living organisms interact with each other and with the surrounding environment ( abiotic things).

Other Key Facts:

Ecology word coined by Earnest Haeckel

Ecosystem word coined by Sir AG Tansley.

Ecological pyramid coined by Charles Elton.

10 percent law of energy transfer in the ecosystem was given by Lindemann.

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