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Reason of crisis of availability of and access to freshwater resources


Why is the world today confronted with a crisis of availability of and access to freshwater resources? (UPSC 2023 GS 1, 150 words, 10 Marks)


Water Crisis:

The demand for freshwater >> Supply of freshwater== Water crisis situation

Water Crisis can happen due to problems in the availability and inaccessibility of freshwater.

Reason for the crisis of availability of freshwater:

  • Growing population and stagnant or diminishing freshwater resources
  • Climate Change ( Shortfall in precipitation in some regions or flash floods in other regions)
  • Natural Disaster ( drought)
  • Water Pollution ( urban/industrial/domestic waste contamination in rivers, lakes, ponds, etc)
  • Poor Water Management [ excess groundwater extraction, using flood irrigation in agriculture, growing paddy and sugarcane, open tap, etc)

Reason for the crisis of access to freshwater resources:

  • Inadequate Infrastructure ( storage, pipeline, water tank, water treatment, water purification infrastructure)
  • Economic Disparities ( income inequality, urban slums, rural vs urban divide)
  • Natural Disaster ( flash flood, damage to water infrastructure) 
  • Political and social conflict ( Most in African Countries)

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